October 3, 2016

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Dear World,

I still can't believe that Charlotte made it. She told me that her parents were about to unplug the machine when she opened her eyes. The doctor said that since her case is peculiar, they will withhold the therapy and other radiation that Charlotte hates. She's on pills from now on.

I woke up very late today, I was an hour late for class but the good thing our sir didn't hold a class. What my classmate do the whole time was standing by. If you're thinking that he is neglecting his job, that's not the case.

He's our TVET professor and doesn't overload us with a mountain of school work. He just discusses a lesson once or twice a week, then he will show us what to do. I chose a Computer maintenance major and our sir will show us how to dismantle a computer to clean then put it back while making sure that it will turn back on.

He has some working computers that he let us practice on. His quizzes are hands-on. He would grade us with some criteria on how we do our tasks. I can tell that he's a very cool teacher and his approach to teaching is pretty cool for me.

What I struggle with today is the written report that I will be doing for our Professional English subject. I have no idea what to do with it and I have been a very excessive habit of spending my allowance. I always fall short of the allowance that I got for the day. Good thing we have a printer in our house and I don't have to go to the school shop to photocopy or print some documents.

Needless to say that I've had a lot of school work for the day. We will have an upcoming test for our Communication subject and a dance presentation this coming Wednesday. I'm telling you I'm not a good dancer and my group mates put me in front. The only good thing is that there will be a change of dance formation and I will be put at the back.

I wasn't able to walk Charlotte home because I have to stay at school for the practice. I got a text from Maddie that our printer ran out of papers and if I have plans on printing something might as well buy some bond paper for the printer so I can print but if I don't then I have to wait until Thursday for the refill.

Great, I need to print my written report but I don't have money. By the way, my phone is already broken. It's a miracle that I still manage to read Maddie's message before it went off. Mind you it's always turning off even when I'm not using it or it's full charge.

I got the phone on my fifteenth birthday, I'm seventeen now and needless to say that it served me well. There's this Sig Sauer that I want to buy but it's too expensive for me. With the current allowance that I've got now, I don't think I would be able to save up for it.

I know Charlotte and I's lunchtime differ but there were three classes that I skipped so I can have lunch with Charlotte. Unfortunately, she knew about what I did and got another attack. By that I mean she threw some fits and she fainted again with her nose bleeding. We almost rush her to the hospital, good thing the school clinic was able to revive her.

She was okay but they had to go to the hospital just to be sure. She was then advised not to stress out too much or she might faint and will have a hard time waking up or won't ever wake up. I don't want that to happen that's why during her lunchtime I've asked Maddie to be with her at lunch and remind her not to forget her meds. Maddie said that when there are times that she'll have lunch early she will sit beside Charlotte. The setup assured me but I won't deny that it makes me sad all the same.

One good thing about today was it's No Bus day, which means that there was lesser road traffic. They managed to arrive at the hospital faster than planned and Charlotte's parent was able to be in the hospital promptu. When I told my mom about this, she told me that it's one of the reasons why No Bus day was held, to lessen vehicle traffic and to encourage everyone to walk. Wow! 



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