June 9, 2016

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Dear World,

School's already out and it's school break at last. Dean and the rest of the Premium class are home and we are currently hanging out together. Ashton invited us to have a sleepover at his place that is currently inhabited by Ethan whenever he's away for college.

When we arrived at Ashton's apartment, we just placed our bags in the living room and left for the mall to buy some snacks. Ashton said that we will meet at the grocery store at the mall.

Upon arriving at the mall, the grocery store is on the second floor which I don't understand why. We were riding the escalator when I felt someone tugging me from behind. I looked back and saw three boys flirting with me and Maddie. I just ignored them and went on to the grocery store.

I didn't know that those boys followed us, they were thinking that it was just me and Maddie who came to the mall. Maddie didn't pay much attention to them or didn't notice them but she didn't increase her pace to catch up with Dean. I can't leave her behind.

I just endured the taunting and other flirty names that the boys from our backs are calling us and went on pretending I didn't hear them. They even told us to stop pretending and ignoring them.

I already saw Ashton and Ethan waiting at the front of the grocery store while Dean almost reached where they were. I tugged at Maddie's and pointed where Ashton's is and she got the message that we needed to hurry. Still oblivious to the fact that I want to get away from those boys that were behind us.

We were less than ten feet away from them and to my surprise, Ethan met us halfway. That's not the surprise, it was the fact that he turned me about 90 degrees that I'm side view to those boys that were flirting at us and he kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a short peck kiss because he pressed it for about ten seconds.

When we parted, he intertwined our hands and dragged me inside the grocery store. The boys didn't follow us anymore. They must've thought that Ethan was my boyfriend and that's the reason why I was ignoring them.

When we were getting our cart, Ethan apologized for the kiss. He said that he noticed the boys bugging us and that he sent them a message. Ashton taunted him about kissing me instead of Maddie. To which Ethan replied that Maddie has a boyfriend, and I don't.

We got all the snacks that we needed. Ashton said that the backyard of the house has a campfire and that we can toast some mallows there.



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