December 3, 2015

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Dear World,

Two girls tried to vandalize my locker and they were a bit successful as they kind of got some part of my locker door. At least it's not as bad as the previous one where they used a pig's blood to write some rude comment on my locker door and they hammered nails on the door and hung a dead snake on it.

These two girls denied that they were the ones who did the previous lockers of mine. I can tell I guess because they just spray-painted my locker this time. It's just different and I guess I can tell based on that. I hope I'm right.

By the way, the girls' motive was because their boyfriends cheated on them with me. They said that they were still dating when I went out with their boyfriends. Honestly, I don't know who they are referring to and I don't remember dating their boyfriends'. They showed me the picture of the 'date'.

I told them that I didn't go on a date with them. The cafe that we were in is full and the two boys shared a table with me. And I wasn't alone at that time because Charlotte and Maddie were with me. I showed them another angle of the shot and they saw that I was with another company.

And I'm telling you that their reaction was priceless. They even said that what their boyfriends have been telling them was true. They apologize but they still get week-long detention and will pay for the replacement of my locker door.

I told the principal that I don't want to move into another locker again. But she just shook her head and told me that I needed to do it. Once again I moved out, many of Maddie's classmates apologized to me because they weren't able to stop those girls, one, in particular, is Julia. I just told them that there's no way they can stop such crazy girls. I assured them that it's alright and that they shouldn't worry too much about it.

I don't hear it with my own ears what people say about me and what they do behind my back but I feel like everyone dislikes me. I can't believe that this is still the effect of what Jonas did. He was really the one who made such a huge fuss about my relationships and he made people think that what I do is such a very very bad thing.

I want him expelled for what he'd done but I'm not that cruel. I don't want to be like him no matter how much I want to stain his name. I kind of feel like when he got removed from the school's publication he didn't receive such bullying as what I received when he bullied me. Now classmates of ours always pry on me, watching every move I make and waiting for more me to crack for Mark and I's relationship.

Jonas is actually avoiding me now and won't talk to me unless we're working on something and his approach towards me is kinder now. But maybe I was just really upset about what happened when I saw him when we got out, sitting outside the principal's office waiting.

"I personally blame you for all of these." I said, "If you didn't make such a huge fuss about my dating life to the point that everyone suspected me of dating the guy when he was just passing a test paper to me, all of these won't happen and you would still be at the school's publication. This is all your fault, I'm sure you're proud of it." then I stormed off.

I knew the principal heard me. I knew that whoever was nearby heard me. And all I knew is that I don't care. I don't care that the principal will see me as a disturbed student. I don't care that it will fuel another reason for Jonas to do something behind my back. And most of all I don't care that I just broke down.



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