January 2, 2015

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Dear World,

Happy New Year. The break is not yet over because we have a semestral break. We will go back to school on January 12th. Sometimes this break was held in December like we'll have a much earlier break but now they decided it will be held later in January.

The last talk that I have with Ethan was at the dance. It didn't go well I must say but I still like him. I am currently searching for his instagram now though but I couldn't find it. I went to his brother Ashton's instagram and searched his username from his following and followers but I wasn't led to his account. It made me wonder if he deactivated his account.

I couldn't bring myself to ask Ashton or Dean about it because they might suspect that I have a crush on him. Charlotte and Maddie knew but we didn't tell the boys. They knew that I am dating Calo as well and I don't want to give off the cheating vibe.

I hope the rejection from Ethan issue will die down during the holidays. I don't want Ethan stressing about it and will eventually avoid me because of it. Calo got me a phone case for my iPhone as his gift for me, and we went out today.

We visited the Subway and I loved it so much. I love Calo's company, we can always talk about any random topic. Although I must say that I still haven't told him I love him because I don't know if I do feel it for him. I just love his company.



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