January 23, 2017

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Dear World,

The presentation is coming right up and I am no longer nervous. I don't see anything to be nervous about because I'm confident with my classmates' act. They are amazing and cooperative. I didn't experience this back in the time when I was in the lower grade. What a very memorable experience to do such a thing like this.

What I did was just facilitate the practice and let the creativity of everyone flow and project at the performance. I'm telling you that even though it started really rough, the assigning of the task, telling them what to act, or asking for an idea, was so easy to be done. It's like working with professionals.

Megan along with her other choreographer did most of the dance choreography for the backup dance. As I've mentioned our classmates have their ideas that made the performance better and when we present our ideas they accept them, while also suggesting something that will make it better.

Louise did the main actor's choreography, his name is Jake and I can tell you that he's very versatile. So easy to work with and so passionate about the work that we are working on. I am really proud of each and every one of us for this performance.

We take the practice seriously and have fun as well. There are props men who made the props and their job was made easy by the other classmates as well because even though they have a different task assigned they help in making the props. I only contributed very little help with the props making. In my defense, they made the props while we are practicing so I didn't help much.

We had break times as well and it wasn't just a five to ten minutes break, it was a two to three hours break and sometimes it would even result in four hours. I know very long and what are we doing? It's not a straight break I can assure you. It has intervals and what we are doing is playing. Yes, playing.

We are a bunch of sixteen and seventeen year old's playing hopscotch and tag. It was fun and unforgettable. All the more reason that I can't wait for the presentation this Wednesday.

The work that has been done with the presentation isn't that stressful but I kinda feel that this is going to be rewarding. We only have a small amount of time to make such as this kind of presentation so I know that this is going to be an amazing job.

Aaron didn't make it for today's practice. He said that he had some projects at his school and he will just going to pick me up tomorrow to drive me to school. I assured him that it was fine and that he doesn't need to be with me all the time. He should spend time for himself as well as with his friends.



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