November 6, 2015

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Dear World,

All the letters and notes for Penelope are sent. I didn't make more of it and I just watch from the distance how Penelope gets frustrated and anxious because she no longer receives any more letters. She even waited for me at her locker when I was delivering letters. She asked me if any letters aren't from school that is for her. I told her that I didn't have one at the moment and that maybe whoever is sending her the letter will be the one who will slip the letter into her locker. That is both a scapegoat and an attack to make her even more anxious.

Yesterday was so funny because she didn't go to class instead she waited near her locker the whole school hours. Penelope went into this secluded spot somewhere near her locker and waited for 'Carl' to slip the letter into her locker but Carl didn't slip any locker letter like how he didn't slip anything nor even write anything the whole time.

Penelope got in trouble for not getting into the class. She got week-long detention starting this Monday because of it. That kind of revenge is more than enough for me. I know she'll get over this so I'll leave her alone from now on.

Jayson by the way, invited me to his birthday party tomorrow. Charlotte and I will come over to his house. We were talking about this when Charlotte told me at lunchtime that she's having a second thought about going to the party tomorrow because she and Jayson fought.

I told her to text me if she's coming to the party or not and she did. Just tonight, I received a text from her that we're a go for tomorrow. I asked her if I can bring Maddie tomorrow but she said no because there might be some hard drink there and Jayson's basketball team will be there.

It was such a bummer because I would want to bring Maddie to the party just to make it up to her because of what Penelope did to her this afternoon. Because of the pictures of Carl, Penelope is so sure that she got those letters from Carl and she confronted her at the cafeteria while Maddie was buying some bring home snacks.

I wasn't there when the fight started but one of Maddie's classmates came and got me. I was just in time to get Penelope's hand off my sister. My hands were itching to hurt her but it was my fault that she confronted Maddie and I don't want the fight to grow bigger. The attention shouldn't lead to me. Maddie told me everything that they've argued about and she was laughing about it, on our way home. I was really worried and so sorry for my sister.

Even the staff of the cafeteria said that Penelope started the fight and everyone just tried to get them away from each other. Penelope was then suspended for a week with a community service next Saturday since her detention hasn't started yet and she got into another trouble.

Fortunately, Maddie didn't get any detention and she held her mouth that she knew about what happened to Penelope and why she is acting like that. The conversation was like this as my sister told me on the way home:

"Hey B*%^#! I want to tell you that Carl is cheating on you with me." Penelope said.

"What do you mean? Did he meet you behind my back?"

"No, but he sent me these letters and notes." Then Penelope showed Maddie all the letters and notes that she kept in a box.

"Darling, Carl isn't the type who writes things. And even he would do that to you, from what I see that isn't Carl's handwriting."

Penelope did say many things to my sister but Maddie just kept her cool and just taunted her. This makes Penelope enrage that she attacked my sister. My sister acquired a bruise on her neck and chin. I promised her to treat her lunch all week this coming Monday and I will buy her a set of any book series that she would like to have.

Maddie asked for the 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' by Lemony Snicket and it's a whopping thirteen books that cost me quite an amount of money. But all for my sister, I also bought Carl a mirror cube, (a type of professor's cube), Carl didn't get in trouble but his name was dragged into it so I gave him something nice.

The money that I earned from the job experience that I got was all spent because of the expenses that I got for Maddie and Carl mostly for Maddie. Which reminds me not to include them next time. My revenge went way better than I thought it would have so I get it, the money is just the cost, pun intended. And if ever Penelope will still bully me when she came back which I hope that she won't anymore, I will think of something that will not involve Maddie. From now on all my revenge Maddie will not take the fall.



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