July 6, 2017

1 0 0

Dear World,

Almost two weeks later since William moved into the neighborhood, he got along well with the other boys. They held a basketball game this afternoon, two on two. All three boys were older than him. We have a basketball court near our house and Maddie and I went to check out the game.

Maddie has a crush on a guy named Koby. The guy's in college now, he just graduated this year. He's a tough guy but a gentleman as well. We used to play a lot here on the basketball court when we were kids, fun times. He grows to be a very fine man and a good acquaintance of ours. We don't hang out at school but we would talk and I would watch his basketball games sometimes.

We were enjoying the mini-game when a very unexpected visitor came. It was Aaron, I saw him outside the court's fence. When we locked gaze with one another, I shook my head, gesturing to him that he shouldn't be there, my answer is no and I don't want to talk to him.

I focus my attention back on the ones who were playing the game. I keep on cheering whoever shoots the ball on the hoop because all four of them are my friends. Maddison was beside me the whole time and cheering with me as well when she elbowed me. I gave her an annoyed look only to find out that she is looking ahead past me. I turn my gaze to where she is looking and saw Aaron. He came near us, despite my warning.

"What do you want, Aaron? I thought I made it clear to you." I said venomously.

"Sandra, I know I screwed up but please hear me out."

"Alright, speak."

"I want you bac—"

"No! I already told you that once you leave there's no coming back. I don't want you back."

Not long after, "Hey, Sandra. This guy bothering you?" it was Koby.

"Koby, it's alright. Just some misunderstanding. No need to interrupt your game." I said. I noticed that the game was halted. William and our other neighbors were looking at us.

"Just leave, Aaron. You're making a scene." I said.

Instead of leaving Aaron gripped my wrist. "Sandra, I'm not leaving until we haven't talked."

I tried to wriggle free but his grip is tight, and my face is contorting. Aaron didn't even budge and he's tugging me lightly to stand up and come with him.

"Hey hands off, young man." it was Koby again. I thought he went back already on the game. He took Aaron's off grip away from me.

"Why are you interfering? This is not you're relationship, bro. Back off!" Aaron growled at Koby.

"Careful with your words, young man. Three of us here are older than you. Unfortunately for you, that one guy who is the same year as you is as big as us. You're not on your turf. You back off. You heard the lady, leave."

Aaron took the message and leave wordlessly. He gave one last glare to Koby and the rest of the boys before retreating. We didn't move from our place until he was out of sight.

"Thanks, Koby. You didn't have to do that." I said.

"It's nothing, Sandra. You alright?"

"Yes, I am. He was insistent even though I am telling him to leave."

"Might as well avoid the likes of him. Your wrist okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks again."

The game went back to normal. William gave us a smile before focusing back on the game. A few shots later we cheered again as if nothing happened earlier.



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