April 29, 2016

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Dear World,

I lost my journal notebook again. That's the second time now and this time I found it on my drawers. I swear that I looked through it there and I didn't find it. Why am I blanking out?

But today was the last day of us practicing for our final performance task. It will be presented this Monday and then the final examination commences. The finals will determine if you are going to stay in the school or transfer.

Thinking now that it's just high school but the school is telling us that that's how they prepare us for college. I know it's rubbish and that they shouldn't pressure us like this but hey that's how our school's system works. I've already told you that we don't have the same school system as the others.

Today's class ended earlier than usual and Charlotte and I decided that we should hang out or eat out or whatever. We decided to go borrow books in the library. Maddie has this influence on us now, a book nerd.

We went to the short stories section of the library and picked the books that interest us. We were only allowed to borrow books for seven days, that's why we chose some thin books. We're not a very immerse wide reader here.

After borrowing some books from the library, we went to our favorite cafe and ordered our favorite drinks and food. Charlotte had a cake and a java drink while I had a chocolate chip cookie and a vanilla drink.

"What book did you borrow?" Charlotte asked me.

"It's about organizing a party or a sleepover."

"Why did you get that one?"

"It's pink and it seems interesting. How about you?"

"The title was Born to Die by Lisa Jackson and it's a mystery or thriller genre. I think it's good."

"I thought you were borrowing whatever that book title is."

"I changed my mind. Are you going to attend the farewell party this 4th of May?"

"May the fourth be with us and yes I will attend, are you?"

"I don't know, I don't think my Mom will let me."

I understand but Charlotte's mom is so strict that she always hinders Charlotte from all the fun sometimes. Charlotte obeys her above all else and much respect to how she raises Charlotte to be so obedient. Don't get me wrong, I will obey my parents in a heartbeat but there are times that I disobey.

We were enjoying the food and drinks that we have when I just feel like staring at Charlotte. She's very messy while eating and I somehow enjoyed watching her being messy.

That was until her nose began bleeding. It was tiny droplets first then suddenly the blood that came out started to flow fast that it stained her pink shirt. I got really worried and I wiped the blood off her nose and made her lookup.

She told me to get her medicine out of her purse and I did. I asked for some water from the staff which they gave right away. The manager even came in and volunteered if he could call an ambulance.

Charlotte denied it and said that she was having so much fun that she forgot to take her medicine. I was really worried and instead of walking our way home, I insisted that we take a bus. Charlotte keeps on saying no but I was stern. She keeps on telling me that she used up a lot of money from her allowance for the food that we ate at the cafe and that she doesn't have any extra money for the fare. I told her that I will pay her fare as long as she will take the bus home.

Thankfully she agreed to take the bus home. I kind of feel sorry that she used up quite a lot of money. I know that Charlotte's family is not that financially stable due to the large bills that they are currently paying. I asked what the expenses were but she refused to tell me. Charlotte reasoned that it's private. I kind of regret asking though. What was I thinking?

There might be a good chance that Charlotte won't have money to buy snacks for two days now. She won't be able to go out for the weekend because of this. I offered that I can visit her during the weekends but she told me that they will visit one of her cousins this weekend.



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