March 6, 2018

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Dear World,

Ashton is back at Britsvie and currently finishing his third year. I can only say that today's a pretty fun day. Classes were canceled when we are already in school that we decided to explore the nearest mall. It's not newly opened but because there's a mall nearby where I live I don't go there.

It's a pretty big mall with a lot of terraces, an elevator, and an escalator. We just had our third quarterly exam and we are still drained because of it. The mall is the perfect place to cool down and unwind. I called Charlotte if she wanted to come with us but she declined to tell me that she'd rather rest. She said that her dad pick her up and she was home already.

I didn't bother her anymore after the call because I want her to rest but around lunchtime, we chatted on Twitter and we sent some selfies of each other. I kind of noticed that she was paler in their picture but she reasoned that it was her camera. Somehow my guts told me that she was getting paler, so I told her to take a nap.

I'm with my classmates and we decided to have our lunch in a grilling restaurant inside the mall. I was with Lassey and Megan and the rest of the Industrial course classmates. I told my two best friends about my worry but they said that I should just go with the flow and won't show any sign of discomfort.

August was with us and I can tell that he is also uncomfortable like I am. My classmates didn't actually bother talking to me like really talk to me. We would have a small conversation then we're back to not talking. After lunch, we decided to split off because they said that they still have stuff to do while Lassey and Megan want to go home already.

I took them to the bus terminal but I had to go back inside the mall for me to reach the other bus terminal which is where my ride home is. I was walking and looking around me when some guy came to me. He offered some stuff for charity but unfortunately, I don't have enough money left to buy the thing but I donated a small amount instead.

The guy then told me that he find me cute and even boldly asked me if I want to walk around the mall with him. To me I don't consider it as a red flag or something or that he's planning something on me. I kind of realize it now while writing that he could be a bad guy but I said yes.

With all honesty, I already forgot the guy's name. We just walk around the mall anyway talking about a lot of random stuff. I even asked him if he was not going to get reprimanded because he abandoned his post. He assured me that he wouldn't. we even ride almost all the elevators that we could find (which again I didn't realize to be a red flag till now), thankfully we were never alone together or it would have been awkward.

It was four in the afternoon when I decided that I really should go home. I didn't exchange numbers or any social media with him and just straight told him that I'm going home. The guy just understands and told me that he'll be going back to his post as well.



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