October 6, 2016

2 0 0

Dear World,

Thank goodness the presentation went by fine. The grades that we receive were okay. I'm quite contented with it, considering that I'm such a sucker when it comes to dancing. I realize that the load of school work that we are receiving is getting more stressful and I got worried that Charlotte might be so stressed because of this.

Charlotte may not show it but I can see that she's been beaten by a load of stress that we are receiving. She keeps on assuring me that she can manage it. She feels like she's healing that's why the school workload was okay for her.

I ate lunch with Lassey and Megan. They are such amazing friends and I can't believe that neglected their goodness. It turns out that they knew about Charlotte's sickness through the website and they said that they understand if I spend more time with Charlotte. They even donate a little money for Charlotte's medication.

I keep on telling Lassey and Megan that what they've done is beyond everything and that they are such good friends and I'm happy that I meet them. I also told them that Jayson, Charlotte's boyfriend is now a complete jerk to her. I asked them to investigate and find out if Jayson is cheating on Charlotte. They told me that they are currently investigating and they will just tell me if they will find anything.

There was this one time that Jayson insulted Charlotte in front of me. I am not going to write the insult here because I want to forget about it. I was about to beat Jayson up with all the Martial Arts disciplines that I knew but Charlotte stopped me from doing so.

"Are you really that love sick, Charlotte?" I asked.

"Don't waste your energy on him. You weren't here earlier and you didn't hear all things. I was breaking up with him."

That was some good news. Jayson is now toxic to Charlotte and if he no longer loves her then it should be best that they stop dating or it will just hurt them both. I didn't tell Jayson about Charlotte's sickness because I don't want him to go back to Charlotte out of pity. Not that it was hard keeping a secret from him anyway. He's attending a different school now.

Aaron asked me out today. It's our third time going out. I still can see that he's not yet over with his last girlfriend Katie but I'm falling for him now and I'm willing to wait until he's ready to take me seriously.

I'm no longer labeled any insulting names at school now. Aside from the fact that I am only dating one guy now, those people that call me those are out of school or have transferred. Mark is also in a different school and we barely talk now. The last I heard of him was that he got back with his girlfriend. I already forgot her name, I must've written it here in this journal but I don't want to find it.

I gotta go now because Lassey and I are going to see to it that the not-so-blind date that we set up for Megan with her crush will be successful. This is the first time that we are doing this and I got a mixed feeling.



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