December 22, 2016

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Dear World,

THEY LIKE IT! My team and Louise liked my idea and we merge our ideas. The mayor then edits and polish it so there were no weak spots and plot hole while we are doing the interpretation.

We tried to submit the flow of the performance to our teacher and she said that since she will be the judge of the first performance she would want it to be a surprise and she advised that we will practice our craft with her eyes and earshot.

We did, and school break started and we are currently practicing the first few scenes of the show. The mayor, the head of making the props, and I agreed that the perfect general backdrop is a gray brick wall. That way, the change of scenes won't be affected by an off-themed backdrop.

We've created three settings out of the song; the actual place, the prison, and the boy's mind. Now what's left is how we will create the backdrop. Our classmates had a few suggestions and I'm really glad that they do. They are participating and I love the group effort.

We will be presenting this on the 25th of January, in our classroom where our teacher will see to it if we are worthy to present it to our auditorium along with everyone else who gets to present. The auditorium performance is the actual competition and the three that will be chosen will be the ones who will compete. I'm nervous already.

One of the good things to look forward though is that we already figured out how will we going to make the backdrop. It will be made of cartolina paper so it will be foldable and easy to carry wherever we go. We will be purchasing a few white cartolinas and a clear masking tape to attach them. Paint, of course, quite a lot of paints, especially the grays. We chose the color black to trace the lines of those bricks. I know that this will look good when it's done.

Aaron was there with me during practices that we've had. I was kinda worried that his studies will be affected but he assured me that it's not affected and that he's not letting them be affected. I hope that he will do that. He's been on his phone all the time and I couldn't blame him, he's not acquainted with my new classmates.

Megan confessed to me that she has a crush on Aaron back in the tenth grade, I was kinda laughing about it. I'm not jealous or having a thought that Megan will backstab and will cheat on me. I knew her as the kind of person that doesn't date her crush.

I know because I once set them up with her crush one time for one date and the next thing I knew is that they stayed friends and she told me that the guy is not her dating type like her other crush.

That's why I find it funny, I've been setting Megan up with two or three dates (all different people) with her crushes and none of them made it to dating status. I joked with her that I will set them up and she said no because Aaron is no longer her crush. It was a good laugh, Megan is so extra with her reactions. If you don't know her you would think that she's always overreacting.



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