February 10, 2018

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Dear World,

I decided to stop talking to Chris but I realize that our friendship shouldn't be affected by this jealousy. Sooner or later Chris will associate with ladies his age and it will test him if he will choose Allie or not. From what I've known about Chris is that he's a good guy and a loyal one.

Yesterday, I talk to Chris about a lot of random stuff and I can say that our old friendship was back. We didn't talk about the jealousy anymore but instead, we pick up where we left off and get on with it. I only have a few months left and I'll have a break from all these kinds of people anyway.

Somehow my eighteen-year-old self wants to mess around again. This time way more mature approach. In other words, I want to have a boyfriend. And I'll see to it that I'll be serious with the relationship that I will be getting into. Writing this makes me feel like being dramatic again. Maybe it's Valentine's season because I've seen many happy couples.

I went out with Maddie and her friends today. We went to hang out at The Shack, just having a good time. I remember this place to be Aaron's favorite diner but I feel no bitterness when I think of it. In the middle of the chat, Julia and Marcus arrived and join us. They're dating now.

We ordered a milkshake for them and some burgers. They told us about their day and how they spend it so far. We asked them a few questions, like when did they hit it off really and when did they start dating officially. The two just answered casually.

"Hey, I hope I'm not disturbing more than I've been already." some guy said. We look up and saw that it was Ethan.

"Hey, Ethan." Maddie and I said.

"Hope you don't mind if I steal Sandra for a while. It's about some stuff." Ethan said eyeing me.

"Alright, ladies and gents. Excuse me for a while." I said standing up. Since I was in the window seat, Maddie stood up so I can pass through.

Ethan lead me outside, past the nearby woods. We walk quietly further until we reach an old toll bridge. We stop there.

"Any problem, Ethan?"

"You can say that."

"What happened?"

"It's Ashton. He transferred schools. He said that he can't take being a model anymore and want to shift into other stuff. He's graduating next year but he wants to start from the beginning. Mom's enraged, and dad is disappointed. Everything is in chaos now."

"I'm sorry to hear about that, Ethan. Did you talk to him about this?"

"Yeah, he said that what he is deciding is the best. The sooner he gets out of his course the better."

"What does he wants to do?"

"He wants to be a teacher."

"That's a pretty decent job and has a lot of benefits."

"I know but the three years that he studied for modeling is—"

"Such a waste of time. I know but if that's what he really wants then support him. Tell him that if he will shift, make sure that he won't do it again."

"Can you talk to him?" Ethan said with pleading in his eyes.

"I can but I won't talk him out of his decision. I'll talk to him and make him see sense in what he will about to decide."

"Thanks, Sandra. He's at the apartment now. He doesn't want to go back to Britsvie you know."

Ethan drove to Ashton's and his apartment. I texted Maddie the shortest version of the story so she would understand why I had to ditch her. She was worried for Ashton and we've been exchanging messages while I was on my way to Ashton.



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