June 22, 2017

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Dear World,

Summertime is going well so far. Maddie and I hang out a lot with Ethan and the Premium class as usual and we have done some indoor surfing and visited the bowling arena. Mom and dad decided to enroll me again in the firing lesson for the summer as well so I won't forget how to handle a gun.

I still have the cute instructor and he was glad to have me back in his class. He even asked me where is Charlotte and how is she. I told him that she was fine but I doubt that she'll be back in the firing lesson anytime soon. He understands though and this time he is teaching me how to handle a Smith and Wesson revolver.

I was mowing the lawn when a moving truck pulled over in front of the house across ours. The For Sale sign that is patched up with Sold now, was uprooted from the lawn. The beefy man who uproot the sign took it inside the truck. He doesn't appear to be in uniform with the one that is labeled on the moving truck.

Not a minute later, a pickup truck followed and park in front of the moving truck. I finished mowing the front yard and storing the lawnmower in its shed. When I walk back into the front yard again, I saw a family getting their stuff inside the house. The woman whom I assumed to be the mother is seeing over the furniture that was carried by the workers inside.

I saw the beefy man from earlier who uprooted the sign and he put his shoulder around the woman. He must be the father and husband I assumed. Then a young man came to them. He was carrying what appeared to be a notebook and he was wearing a headphone I also notice a little girl playing with her tablet at the porch stairs.

After a few moments of watching them the couple notice me. They wave at me and motioned me to come over to them. I wave back and made my way toward them.

"Hi there. I see that you're the one who bought the house." I said when I got near

"Yes, that's us, young lady. I'm Karen by the way and this is my husband Julius." the lady said.

"Hi, Sport." Julius greeted me which earned him a slight slap in the chest from his wife. They're a sweet couple like my mom and dad.

"I'm Sandra and I live in the house across." I smiled, pointing to our house.

"Nice name for a nice young lady." Karen said then he turn to her son. "Bill headphones off please." she gestured to her son to remove his headphones.

Their son called Bill took the headphones off and look at me, "This is our eldest, his name is Bill." Julius introduce.

"It's actually William. Please call me Will." William said and offered his hand for a handshake.

"I think I'd go with William." I took his hand and shook it.

"Much better, that's Bailey, my sister." William said pointing at her sister who is still occupied with her tablet. "Hey, Bae. Meet our new neighbor."

Bailey looked up and smiled sweetly. "Hi, I'm Bailey."

"Hello, Bailey. I'm Sandra." I smiled back.

The kid just didn't say anything more and went back to her tablet. I then wave goodbye to the family and went back to my house.

I saw Maddie inside the house, she was just chatting with someone on her laptop when I walked in. Maddie looked up and asked me where I'd been. I told her that we have a new neighbor across the house. Maddie got excited and told whomever she was chatting with that she'll call her back.

"How many kids?" Madie asked.


"Someone our age?"

"The eldest guy I think but I'm not sure."

"I smell something, sis." she teased.

"Shut up, Maddie! I'm not into a relationship now. Maybe you would want him."

"You're still not over him, do you?"

"Not that. I haven't moved on yet but I don't want him back. I just don't want to be in a relationship for now."

I hope that my feelings for Aaron will be gone. When I saw him with Katie a while back, my heart ache. I miss him but when I saw the two of them, I almost broke down I still can't believe that Aaron did cheat on me. But I know better that them being together is the manifesto that they are together now. Katie even tried to rub it in to me that Aaron is hers.



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