January 11, 2016

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Dear World,

I'm having an awful day. I must say that I thought I'll have a normal day with a little fun. boy, I was so wrong. We're back to school early because we took a break early.

This morning I had a very embarrassing encounter when I rode the bus to school. I must say that it was a pretty embarrassing moment but it cracked me up as well. I kind of set that as a good start in the morning that I might have a good time at school. You know, have a good laugh or anything.

But when I arrive at my newly repaired locker (which I am so happy to have back) I receive another threatening letter. The letter says 'STAY AWAY FROM MARK' okay who's another jealous person who will do such a thing?

Cathy is in another school and she didn't really know me that much. I came to say hi to them and stayed away. If she didn't get that as a form of setting my distance and that Mark is just hers, then I don't know what else is.

I showed the note to Charlotte and she calmly told me to ignore it and might as well set a distance with Mark. I should have known that her actions and tone gave away the fact that Charlotte knew who sent the note.

I've noticed people looking at me when they thought that I didn't notice, then would go back to what they are doing, shaking their heads and either smirking or giggling. I would then feel Charlotte's hand on my shoulder telling me to ignore it.

Well, that is different because whether I ignore it or not they have the satisfaction. The feeling is so numbing. I don't know what to react or where to put myself.

That goes on until lunchtime when Jayson was with us and he showed Charlotte something from his phone. The most unfortunate was that I caught a glimpse of it. I snatch the phone away and look over to the sites, it was a Facebook group page.

"So this is what you have been keeping from me?"

"Sandra, those comments are not true." Charlotte said.

"Hell they're not but you can't stop me from being hurt from all these!"

"That's why I told you to stay away from Mark."

"Who's the admin of this group?" I was trying to calm myself down.

"Mark's girlfriend Cathy." Jayson answered.

"Are you two in the group?"

"Only me." Jayson said.

"I want you to report that group to the teachers."

"Dude, I can't do that."

"Then you are part of that group. I see that you are also laughing at me." I shook my head in disappointment and walked away grabbing all my stuff.

I cut class and went straight home not attending my afternoon class. I brought some snacks to my room and just watched movies online. I turn off my phone so no one can contact me. I was alone in the house like how I felt to be.



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