July 20, 2017

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Dear World,

Instead of a one-night campout, it was turned into three days two-night trip. And the plan was the entire premium class, Ethan, Maddie and I will be going but something happened. Only Ashton, Zack, and Dean make it. Ethan apologize for not being able to come but we assured him that it was fine. Maddie and I are coming.

Mom and dad then suggested that we bring the new boy into town instead. Dean and Ashton were down while Zack don't care about whoever is coming. He said that he needed a break because he had just broken up with his girlfriend. We leave him alone, after his outburst.

I went to William's house three days before the trip and asked his mom and him if he wanted to come. Karen was so happy that we invited him and convince William to come. He was reluctant but he said yes thanks to his mom's convincing power.

We went to a secure campsite. What I meant is that it's a training camp for Scouts and Rangers. It has a fence around the area, but the place is large and has a lot of trees that the fences were covered. You will think that it's an open area. We reserve a place and all the boys were in the larger tent while me and Maddie bunk together.

The place has electricity and a bathroom as well. Not for real survival camps because they focus on following the trail, sleeping in tents, and cooking your food in a fire. It's for beginners but Dean said that it's the only place that our parents approved even though three of them are already adults.

We set up the tents when we arrived and make a fire pit where we can build fire. Thirty yards away from where we are placed is where another camper's tent is set up. We didn't greet hi them and focused to do our thing. I was vlogging the whole thing as well. And even when I mentioned that there's electricity in the place it was just meant for the lights and nothing else. I brought two extra batteries.

Ashton and Zack were gathering some woods for the fire and Dean was preparing our first meal to cook. Once the boys will arrive we will start the fire so we can cook. I took this opportunity to prank Maddie. There was two light bulb in our area, one for the tent area and the other for the fire area. Both of the switches were in the middle of the allotted camp space.

Earlier, I asked Maddie to help me and Dean to cook our meal but she refuse and stay in the tent. There are about fifteen yards of space between the fire pit and the tent. The two switches were nearer to our place than Maddie's. I told Dean about my plan on switching the lights off to scare Maddie and he gave me a thumbs up.

When the sky was completely dark and we let the fire die but made sure that the embers will stay lit so it will be easier to build again. Ashton and Zack were eating silently with Dean when I turn the lights off both of them. Our area was so dark that even the light of our neighbor's camp wasn't enough to illuminate our place.

The next thing we heard was Maddie's scream and she keeps on calling our name asking for help. I was planning on waiting for her to cry but Dean turn the light back on. Maddie runs to us, her lips are visibly shaking and pale. All of us laugh at her and she keeps on telling us that what we did was not cool.

Dean told her that it was her punishment for not helping us earlier when she should have. We told her that we won't pull off another stunt like those as long as she will help with the chores. That night, Maddie was the one who wash our camping utensils.

While Maddie was doing the dishes, I told her that I will stroll around the place so that when I come back I will wipe it dry so we store it safely for tomorrow. Zack came with me when I went to their tent to get a flashlight from Dean's backpack.

We were strolling the lit part of the camp while beaming the flashlight to the dark parts of the camp when I heard a very familiar voice. It was Katie and it turns out that she was with her group of friends, camping and they are located beside our neighboring camp place. I quickly made my way back to the camp and Zack got confused.

"What's wrong, Sandra?" he asked.

"Nothing, Zack. It's just that the inhabitants of those tents are people that I don't want to run into."

"Do you know those girls?"

"Only one, her name's Katie. She's my ex's current girl. He cheated on me with her and she's even proud that my ex made me look stupid."

"They're the ones that should be ashamed, not you. My ex cheated on me as well, that we broke up."

"I'm sorry to hear about that, Zack but I'm not ashamed. I run into both of them one time and Katie tried to hang out with me. Either she's rubbing it in or what but I knew that day that I should stay away from her. She's not worth the stress."

"That's our girl." Zack said proudly, "Let's just go back to our campsite then. I'll help you wipe those utensils dry."

"Thanks and thanks but no thanks. You've gathered the woods so let me dry those utensils."

"Nah, you've helped prepare the meals as well. Let me help, I don't plan on sleeping tonight. I don't think, I can. What my ex did still stung, I want to vent it out through fresh night air."

Zack helped me wipe our utensils. When we were done, he bid me good night but he went to where our fire pit is. He just sat there and lit up a cigarette to smoke. Poor him.



Plain Girl, Complex Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن