October 25, 2014

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Dear World,

It's Saturday and we have another practice again for another performance, but this time I'm being a very rebellious student and I ditch the practice or should I say I didn't go to the place. Instead, I went with Dean, his new girlfriend Miriam, my sister and some two friends for a fishing trip. Riding an SUV so we could all fit.

We went into this newly opened fishing restaurant. The restaurant is located in a large pond and their booths are open area, but large enough to accommodate 5-6 people and there are other booths that can accommodate larger numbers of guest. We sat where we could sit comfortably while fishing for our meal.

The pond that surrounds the restaurant is where the fish are raised and you will fish them in order to get you your food. There are sides of the ponds that let you catch shrimp and crabs. There was also a place for small squids. The staffs are so welcoming and they taught us how to catch those shrimps and squids.

We end up getting enough fish, we need for our meal. I also have like a small but deep bowl of shrimp, and three medium size crabs that Maddie caught. We weren't successful in getting the squid, don't ask. It's the chef of the restaurant who will cook the meal, you will just decide what dish you will have. Compliments to the chef! The food was so good!

We went home in the afternoon. The two friends that came in were Miriam's friend and I forgot their names, one is a girl and the other is the boy. The boy was the one driving and the girl was in the front seat. Dean and Miriam are at the furthest back of the car and while Maddie and I are at the center seat.

The boy was over speeding and overtaking lanes that aren't his. Maddie held my elbows and leaned into me. I whispered to her not to worry because if we'll get pulled over by a policeman, the boy will be in even more trouble because he has minors with him. I tightened Maddie's seat belt enough so she won't get thrown out once we'll crash into some other vehicle which I must say has a fat chance of happening.

Dean called him out twice, but he didn't listen. Miriam just said to let him drive the way he wants it because that's how he normally drives. Dean gave up after the twice call, but five minutes after Dean's second warning, we almost hit a sixteen wheeler water truck. Good thing the boy was able to hit the brake, but the truck grazed the SUV's bumper.

We stayed still for like a full minute, but it felt like an eternity long. The girl in the front seat was the first to recover and slap the boy. She swore profanities on his face that if he would've listened to what Dean had told him earlier nothing like that would've happened.

Instead of an angry expression or shock one, the boy's face was worried. The truck's driver went to check on us and he swore when he saw us. It happened so fast that I didn't realize the girl's head was bleeding and I injured my upper arm. I wrapped my sister in a protective hug that I graze my upper arm into something sharp. Dean and Miriam at the back only got bruises, Maddie is safe, the boy also had a minor injury. Me and the girl's injury wasn't that bad but it's quite an injury. I didn't have any bone injury and so is the girl which is good news.

We received stitches though, and my stitches look like a forward slash line and its two and a half inch long. It's a clean and small stitch I don't know what it's called in case the stitch style has a name or something. They have these medical terms but I'm too busy with my injury to think about what my stitch is called.

Dean threatened the boy that if it weren't for a few of his injuries he would have injured him more. Miriam got pissed on the Dean's words and it erupted in a fight. The boy wasn't a total jerk and apologized and said that he understood if Dean would get really angry at him because of what happened. He owned up his fault and said sorry.

I'm too fazed to forgive who's who. Mom and dad came and got me and Maddie home. Dean called them, saying that he won't accept anyone driving us home unless it's one of our parents. Maddie got really scared how will mom and dad react, but my anesthesia is making me blocked out on many things that happened.

All I remember is that we were brought to the hospital, I didn't know who paid the bills. I got stitches, which are more than two inches long. Then mom and dad came and they talked for a while I don't know... anyone perhaps. Then I arrived home almost dark, ate a sandwich for dinner??? After that I went to sleep.

My classmates knew about the incident and said that they understand why I skip practice and told me I was excused because of what I experience. Wow! Some good news.



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