May 27, 2017

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Dear World,

I'm happy today that things are smoothing out. Ethan and I decided that we're better off as friends, and we're working it out fine. He hangs out with me most of the time now with Landon of course. Ethan also walks with me and Charlotte making sure that she's okay when she will reach home.

Ethan heard about what I experienced when I was the one who brought Charlotte to the hospital. He said that I was so brave for doing so, despite the situation being so terrifying. Charlotte even said that she was proud of me for doing that and she's so lucky to have me as her friend. Of course, I am lucky as well to be Charlotte's friend.

After walking Charlotte home, Ethan asked if I can accompany him to the supermarket because he needs to buy some goods for the apartment. Ashton is coming home very soon for the break and they will need some supplies when he arrived. I gladly said yes and we went back to the school's parking lot to hop on to Ethan's pickup truck.

The ride to the supermarket was quite fast and comfortable. The traffic is light and Ethan and I was just talking about a lot of random stuff. We talk about the newly finished final examinations and our farewell party that will be held this June 1st.

If I'm being honest, this week was such a waste. We no longer have things to do at school except coming for the attendance and some finishing reports and other clearance signing and submission. I'm done with all of mine because Lassey is such a paranoid person and wants to pass everything ahead of the deadline so not all of us will clam the faculty office of our teachers when we pass the reports and then have our clearance signed.

I'm dying to help mom in the restaurant because I want to have an experience, that way I can work part-time while in college. I'm good at working in a cafe or something while studying. I don't want to have any idle time because it will just make me anxious. After all, I'll think about my home.

When we arrive at the supermarket, Ethan took a shopping cart and went to the meat section first. While we were there I asked him if we can buy some ice cream and some chocolates that I can bring for tomorrow. Ethan just laugh at me but he said yes, reasoning that since I came with him then it's the least thing that he can give.

The next on the list were dairy products so we went there when my phone rang. It was Louise calling.

"What's up, Louise."

"Hey, Sandra. We have a slight problem. I no longer have time to shop for the rest of the prizes. I got busy with the production of these giveaways."

"Sure, I can buy some of the stuff. I'm at the supermarket at the moment and I can only buy those food prizes that we will be giving only."

"Perfect, I'll call Jake to buy the material prizes instead. Just give me the receipt this Monday and I will just reimburse the funds that you've used."

"Cool, see ya. Send me the list of following prizes that you want."

"I will as soon as we hang up."

I told Ethan about the call and he said that we will meet at the chips section after I get my cart. I walk fast to the entrance of the supermarket to get a cart fast. When I got the cart I received the list of things to buy. I read through all the items on the list that I didn't notice the cart that is coming that my cart bump into it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking to where I was going." I apologize.

"Sandra?" there's an unfamiliar girl behind the cart that I bump into and she called me by my name.

"Ahm yes, that's me."

"Wow, what an unusual way of running into each other."

"Sorry again, I wasn't looking. Do I know you?'

My question wasn't answered by the girl but rather the guy that come over to her side was no other than Aaron.

"I think you heard of me. I'm Katie." the girl said.

"Nice to meet you, Katie."

"Have you heard of me?"

"Few things, yeah." I'm quite uneasy and Aaron as well was uncomfortable.

Before Katie could talk back, my phone rang and I excuse myself to answer it. It was Ethan who called and was asking where am I. I took the opportunity to walk away from Aaron and Katie.

Less than five minutes I arrive at the chips section and there I told Ethan what happened and why it had taken me so long. He was clenching his jaws when he told me that Aaron is such a dick for wanting to get back with me when he's with Katie.

We paid the groceries that we got and get out of the place. Ethan doesn't want to see Aaron's face at the moment because he doesn't know what he can do to him.



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