August 12, 2015

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Dear World,

The bullying worsened, that's what I can tell. They're like celebrating that Dean is gone and that no one is now here to protect me all the time. But at least Marianne and Arlene interact with me more civilly than they were last year.

They distanced from me now but it's a good start, I guess. I didn't tell my parents about the bullying because I don't find it worthy of their time. What they bullied me about is my dating habits. I still date quite a few boys, and I don't care what they say.

I am over with Calo but it's just like I pick up the habit now of hanging out with many guys. And not all of them are so-called 'dating' some were really my friends. I've made friends with some who are in the lower year as well.

What I can say is that I enjoy hanging out with everyone. I enjoy texting and calling them as much as I enjoy talking to them. Although my life would probably bore you out whoever is reading this. By the way, I signed for these Saturday classes in school which taught us how to be ready for work, like how to answer questions in a job interview, how to behave at work, and all.

It's actually fun, last Saturday was the first time we gathered. It was a bit nerve-wracking because I didn't know anyone. I am the only girl in the group, except our facilitator. I'm telling you though that they are very sweet guys. Some of them have girlfriends which are great because they know how to treat a girl but sometimes they forget and be themselves when they're around me.

For an ice-breaker, we had a game and it was so fun. The facilitator knew what would make us interact with each other. She also said that she found out who has the potential in leading a group. I didn't know that there's a psychology behind a simple child game.

In our TVET by the way we were told that we will assemble a mini radio. I went again to an Electronics Shop to buy this kit. Our teacher told us that there's a kit that has all the materials you need to assemble the radio.

While I was on my way to the AC/DC electronics shop, I ran into Ethan and I think he's with his girlfriend. The point is, he's with a girl. I pretended that I didn't see them and went on my way. Ethan's section didn't dissolve, they remained intact. I think I knew why Ethan blocked me on instagram.

I got my kit and I haven't opened it yet. Our teacher warned that there are kits that aren't incomplete but I couldn't care less about it for now. Charlotte is with her boyfriend Jayson and I don't know where they are now.

By the way, my birthday is coming near and this will be the first time that Dean won't be with me. My stitches on the last incident when we were fishing turned into a scar now. I was worried that it would turn into a scar that the thread will be visible but it didn't. It was just a line scar, a forward slash one. I miss Dean so much and all I have for now is a memory that we shared while he was still here.

It's not like he's dead or something but he's in college now and one way or another he will change. Whom was I kidding, I will too.



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