January 25, 2017

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Dear World,

Our teacher liked the performance. She commented that we are her first choice to compete this upcoming Valentine's day at the auditorium. She said she saw the presentation of the section other section today, we were the third to perform. One section was disqualified.

In the other first two performances, our teacher confessed that she was having difficult choice who among the two will she chose. She then said that once she will see the last performance she will decide.

I am so happy that she decided that we are secure for the spot. That felt amazing but here's the catch now. She changes 60% of what we've created. A lot of background dances were removed and instead of a dancing intro, it will be mute acting.

I will write what the first scene is about because I find it funny or shall I say, I inserted an inside joke in it. This scene was crafted by our teacher and this caused quite an amount of props that are only for this scene alone. It was a revelry scene, that got heated up and the main actor, Jake, shot one of his drinking buddies.

We will need a table for this, an empty large bottle of whiskey so we will have an excuse to bring only one instead of a lot of small bottles. Then we need a playing card so it will appear like they are playing a game and will have a reason for the fight since they are drunk, defeated in a stupid game, and loses money from it. And of course the gun for the killing.

Since I feel like I contributed less to the making of the props I volunteered to bring the whiskey bottle, the playing cards, and the gun. This is where I inserted the joke, instead of a serious-looking playing card that has been thrown out by the nearest Casino in town, I will be bringing Frozen movie-designed playing cards.

They have the size of normal cards but they have pictures of Elsa, Anna, and those casts. I can't wait for the reaction of my classmates when they will see me bringing those playing cards. Thought that the song is dark, and the tone of our presentation is darker now thanks to our teacher. But here they are playing with a Frozen playing card.

Louise is currently discussing with us the changes that our teacher implemented. We have more than two weeks to practice before the actual show this Valentine's day, but we will have a repeat performance this Friday with all those changes that have been made. This is what pressures us because we have two days to apply those changes.

After the meeting, Aaron took me out to a McDonald's. I've got to admit that the sundae and fries really alleviate the stress that I'm experiencing. Most of the changes is an added work to my department. Louise volunteered to write about this but she has enough on her plate so my team owned up to the task. This is the stress that I was fearing to come and it did come.

Aaron and I didn't have McDonald's for dinner. We just ordered fries and sundae that's all. It was a drive-thru and I ate the meal while he was driving me home. We can only practice once tomorrow and we need to hustle it up.



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