August 23, 2014

4 1 0

Dear World,

Charlotte and I went to our favorite restaurant near the school. And the place was a bit packed and we ran into one classmate of ours. He is Christian and he's gay. He asked if he could share a table with us. We said yes and we talked about some random stuff.

But the highlight of that talk was when he related to us something about Jonas. He asked us if we're friends with him and if we knew each other before. We said no and told him we just barely knew each other since it's the first few weeks of class.

Christian then proceeded to tell us about something he discovered from Jonas' attitude. He told us that he is such a hypocrite. When you're talking to him face to face, he says many nice things about you, but when behind you he will speak ill of you. One, for instance Christian told us that Jonas is telling him I'm so cocky and Charlotte is a sl*t. We can't believe it! Especially me since I considered Jonas as a newfound friend. Christian then said confidently that he knows Jonas is saying ill about him when he's not around and he asked us what are the things that Jonas said. I didn't respond to it and Charlotte keeps her mouth shut. Saying that she can't believe that Jonas would do something to her like that.

After that uncomfortable conversation with Christian, Charlotte and I went to the theater and watched something we enjoyed and when we got out we decided to buy some ice cream. We decided to walk to Charlotte's home while eating the ice cream. Charlotte's house is nearby and I'll jump into the nearby bus stop as my ride home.

When I was waiting at the bus stop someone snuck into me and scared me. It was Jonas. We said our hi's and asked where we're heading and what jeepney we'll ride. Our conversation was then stirred to how our day so far and some light topics. And when I mentioned about being with Christian earlier, (omitting our topic about him) Jonas then proceeds about telling me that Christian is this and that. Like I don't want to believe, but it seems like Jonas is really backbiting me and Charlotte.

I can't seem to think clearly now. I'm confused how can Jonas do those kind of things? How can he just spat those words like it's not a big deal and that he has the right to say all those mean things like he owns them. I don't know I feel like I'm being bias because I've heard it first from Christian. I hope things go well.



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