Third Year - August 11, 2016

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Dear World,

School has started and Carl wasn't expelled from the school, however, he was under a strict watch so he won't come near me or Maddie. He wasn't my classmate anyway. We chose a different TVET major so the odds of us sharing a class together is not possible.

All of my new classmates share the same TVET major as mine and they are amazing. It turns out that there were only seven out of thirty of my original classmates made it to the cut of our school's standard. That already included me and Charlotte.

I've already mentioned Lauralyn and Wendy earlier who made it but there are three more. I won't mention them here for the purpose of leaving them out since they weren't close to me at all. We have worked in a group activity before but I'm not really close to them even though we were classmates for like four school years.

Today was quite a boring day since we were just starting the year although our teachers already told us that we will have to prepare ourselves for we will be doing a baby thesis this school year. Are they kidding me?

I've searched for that in the library because there is a baby thesis that the alumni have left at the library. I asked Dean as well, about the baby thesis and he confirmed that he had made a baby thesis back in his year at the school. He made the eleventh-grade years so easy.

This is our first week of school and I already feel the pressure of this year. At least the good thing about this year is that most of those who remained in the school are the ones that get a high GPA. Not that I'm stereotyping them it's just that most of these guys didn't participate in bullying me before.

So this year is a fresh start and an amazing one. No more of those people that are calling me a player and those other names. Because of the 'Carl Incident', mom and dad have insisted that I should visit again my Psychiatrist. This time she didn't give those medications because they suck. I had a hard time swallowing those pills.

Not that I lose sleep because of what has happened during the break. This year is something that I really look forward to. Jonas is also gone from school. He must've figured that if he chose to graduate in this school he would find his record not so clean because of what he did to me. In order to have a clean slate or at least something that would redeem his records, he needs to transfer. I don't know how will that cleanse his record but I won't stress myself thinking about it.

The only downside of this school year is that Charlotte and I no longer are classmates. She's still my best friend but we can't even have lunch together because her lunch schedule (you are not going to believe me) is 11 am-12nn while mine is 12nn-1 pm.

I told you that you are not going to believe our lunch schedule. The good thing though is we got out of school at the same time. The eleventh grade and twelfth-grade schedules are like those college schedules except the classroom are sectioned with a class adviser. Not that I know a lot about college but that's what we have.

We got out of school at three in the afternoon. Charlotte and I decided that we go out for a firing lesson today. We were so bored today at school that we really decided to enroll in a ten-session firing class.

The arena was just two blocks away from school and we paid for the 4 pm schedule. It will just be once a week session. The instructor was the actually cute main reason why we signed up for the class. We were willing to pay the lifetime membership but our summer allowance just allowed us to pay for the ten sessions. At least it's a good investment or I don't know where this leads me. You might be thinking that we're minors that we shouldn't be holding a gun or something. We didn't use a fake ID or anything, by the way, we got a permission slip from our parents.

My Psychiatrist advised my mom and me that I should have a hobby or a sport. Considering that I actually didn't have one and I still haven't figured out what I want to do in my life. My mom thought that the firing session will at least lead me to something.

It's a stress reliever and it's on the list of the recommended hobbies that my Psychiatrist has given me. Now that I'm writing this it's kind of weird. Like how is it approved like it's a weapon and I might be suicidal? Whatever! I don't know how Charlotte managed to get his parents' approval, thinking that they are so strict.

Dad even said that if I don't discover what I really want to do with firing lesson at least I would know how to handle a gun and defend myself. Acquiring a permit to carry won't be a problem as well since I have a certification that I have undergone a firing lesson.

It was quite a soothing effect and my stress for the upcoming baby thesis that we will be making was relieved every time I shoot. Since today was the first day I didn't even hit a mark from the cardboard dummy that they have laid there. I still have nine sessions so who knows if I will really improve.



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