August 30, 2014

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Dear World,

Today is my fifteenth birthday and I received my new phone. Finally, I can be updated and yes, I reach 15 that I still use a flip phone. Now I have an iPhone 4 and at least I can get an update to the world. I don't have to connect to my personal computer so I can DM Charlotte on twitter.

We usually used our mobile credits because she has an iPhone and I don't, but who cares. I am kind of used to the idea of having a flip phone. I've installed the apps I needed for school and of course to connect with Charlotte. I took a selfie and iMessage her. She was so happy for me and we FaceTimed and talked a lot of random stuff.

I didn't invite Charlotte to come over on my birthday because my birthday is usually celebrated with family only. That's kind of like the tradition of my family, weird right? So as much as I like her to have dinner with me, I can't invite her. It's fine though, we plan to eat out tomorrow for our own late birthday celebration. I'm good with that.

The rumours about me in the school newspaper article are still fresh and I still get weird looks. Charlotte gave me tips on how to ignore them. But anyway, even with the family only rules, Dean brought his friends over, the Premium Class. After receiving an earful from my mom he gave me a wink. Good job Cousin, gonna give it to you. He's an only child that's why me and my younger sister are his younger siblings.

Ashton Roberts, Chris Biers, Dean Keira, Josh Cunningham and Zack Wesley. They are fun to be with and even though they are famous they are so down to earth. Ashton brought his younger brother Ethan along because Dean told him that they will have a three on three basketball games. We have a half basketball court in our backyard. I know better that Ashton and Dean just said that excuse so they can come over to my birthday and hang out. Our house was my late grandparents' house. Dad and his brother, Dean's dad, used to play in that court back when they were young.

I did thank them while I was serving them drinks during their game. I was watching the game and I'm a water-girl handing them a glass of water whenever they come over to me but their game is so fun to watch. While watching, I'm eyeing Ethan in particular because he's the youngest, he's on my year, but he played better than his brother. He got the moves and his muscles flex whenever he would attempt to shoot the ball. He knew how to distract his opponent, that even his brother cannot predict his moves.

Snap out of it Sandra, he's Ashton's brother for goodness sake. He doesn't even talk to you and he just comes over so they will have an even number of players. Then Ethan came to me and I handed a glass of water to him.

"Are you a varsity?" I asked while he's drinking.

"No, but my friends and I played basketball most of the time. I just don't feel like entering the varsity."

"I see. Sick moves by the way."

"Thanks." Ethan said before going back to the game.

The game ended at around eight in the evening. I ask if they are leaving, but they said that they would like to play a game with me so we can bond. I was so down for it.

"Alright, we found three 2 liter bottles of root beer. We're an odd number, think you can have your sister join us, Sandra?" Ashton asked.

I said sure and went to get my sister. She agreed in a heartbeat telling me that it's her chance now to bond with the most popular kids at school. When I came back they set up the ping pong table and laid out 15 half filled small plastic cups on each side of the table.

"It's rootbeerpong time! It's supposed to be beer pong but you, Ethan and Maddie are still underage." Ashton said.

"Whatever Ashton, let's just get on with it. And really, the party last time had hard drinks." Ethan pointed.

"That's because Marianne's party has no adults involved. Her parents didn't know that she threw a party. Us however we have adults here." Ashton said.

"So when there's no adult you'll have a beer here?" Ethan asked.

"Don't push it little bro. This is Dean's turf not yours." Ashton warned.

"Guys, groufie!" Zack called.

We all turned to look at his phone and we smiled at the front camera. He took around three shots and then did his business on his phone, afterward.

"Are you two familiar with the beer pong?" Ashton asked me and my sister.

"No." we answered in chorus.

"No problem, the rules are simple." Ashton then proceeds to explain the rules of the game.

What happened was we were grouped into two with four people in each group. We partner up and do some rock, paper, scissors. I paired against my sister and I lost. All the losers are grouped and the winners are grouped. My group mates were Ashton, Zack and Josh. The winners are Maddie, Chris, Dean, and Ethan.

We get to choose the pattern on how we are going to arrange our root beer cups. Maddie's group went to the classic Christmas tree pattern, while I whispered to Ashton that we arrange our cups with no patterns in particular as long as it's on the furthest side of the ping pong table. We will then take turns in trying to shoot a ping pong ball on the other team. Once one of us can successfully shoot the ball, we get the privilege to choose from the other team members who will drink the cup. And the one who got the successful shot can have the chance to shoot another one.

Maddie's team went first because they are the winning team. It was Ethan, who took the first shot and he was successful. I was expecting that he would choose Ashton or any of the boys, but no, he chose me to drink the cup, so I did. Then Ethan tried again and once again he got it. This time he chooses his brother to take the drink. On his third attempt, he failed. It was our turn and Ashton decided to go first.

He got the shot and he made Josh drink it, he failed on his second shot. And my sister Maddie tried to take the shot, but she failed so my team's turn. It was me who took the shot and by sheer luck I had shot.

"Drink it up, Ethan. Taste my revenge." I jokingly said. He smirked and drank the cup. On my second shot I failed.

We keep doing that until all the glass is empty. And it was almost ten in the evening when we finished the game. I thank them again for coming over and making my birthday fun.

I am currently laying on my bed now, I still can't believe that I met Ethan Roberts. I think I like him.



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