June 4, 2018

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Dear World,

The fake broken phone lasted until last night, the night before the graduation. I then unblock Isaac's phone number and texted him that my phone was fixed and okay now. We talked on the phone for hours, both call and text, last night. I wasn't as irritated as I was before. I guess the break helped but I still feel heavy.

Today's Graduation day, I told my parents that I want to invite Charlotte and her parents over for dinner for the celebration, we will be holding. My parents said yes and Charlotte's parents said yes as well. It was just what I need. Our section was the third who will go up to the stage and receive our certificate. I got a high grade qualifying me for the honor but I wasn't part of the Valedictorian list. My previous class mayor Louise was part of the list. I was so happy for her.

I went up to the stage, I saw the faces of my teachers whom I've been with for the last six years of my life. I couldn't believe that it has been six years. When I went down to the stage, I followed my classmates in front of me and we went back to our assigned row. I was just talking to William in front of me, the whole time when the teachers continue to call the other sections names. When it was Charlotte's section who went up to the stage, I watch her the whole time. I'm so proud of her, we graduated together.

After the ceremony, we meet at the carpark. My family and Charlotte's parent were waiting for us beside the van that my dad rented. We had a few pictures together, Lassey and Megan came to congratulate me but apologize because they are their celebration. Which I don't mind really, I was happy for them as well.

After the few pictures were taken, dad drive the van to our house. Dean with his Premium class buddy was waiting for us at the house. Ethan, Ashton, and their parents were there as well. We were celebrating merrily when suddenly during dessert, Charlotte fainted.

We rushed her to the hospital and I had the same feeling when I rushed her to the hospital previously, only this time it was heavier and I can't stop myself from crying. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor declared that Charlotte is dead on arrival. The paramedics were trying to revive her in the ambulance but to no avail.

I couldn't believe it. I question the doctors why. She just fainted and then die right away, that's impossible! Charlotte's doctor asked came and took a blood sample of hers. The doctors then asked her parents if Charlotte is still drinking her medicines and the parents said yes. Of course, she is taking her medicines.

Charlotte's body was in the morgue because everyone hopes that she would wake up like last time, rather it was me who hope that she will wake up like the last time. The result from the blood sample came in the next day and turn out that it's been quite a while since Charlotte took her medicine.

I couldn't believe it. That's not possible but Charlotte's mom, came to me and she gave me a note from Charlotte. She also confirmed to me that the result was not wrong because Charlotte's medicine bottle for the next five months is unopened and is hidden in her cabinet drawers together with the note. I read the note.

Dearest Sandy,

You are the best friend that I've ever known. Thank you for seeing me when I'm invisible. Thank you for accepting me when everyone judges me instead. Most of all thank you for being one of the reasons why I extended my life.

You have new friends now but you never replace me. I'm happy for you because you won't be alone until we meet again. I heard you when my heart stops beating. I don't know how I did it but I did. Then I knew that I should extend some time for the both of us.

Thank you for letting me experience what it feels like to graduate but now I want to rest.

Love always,


I was crying the whole time while reading the note. I couldn't believe that it was my fault that Charlotte extended her suffering. I shouldn't have asked her to wake up that day. Now I feel worse.

I went home and cried until I couldn't take it anymore.



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