May 8, 2015

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Dear World,

Today Charlotte wants to visit a friend. I am not sure who it really is because Charlotte said that he transferred school right after our eighth grade. They haven't seen each other since the transfer. Then suddenly he called Charlotte telling her that he's nearby and asked her if she wanted to hang out. Charlotte said yes but she asked me if I can come with her.

"Did this guy know that I am coming with you?"

"No. I didn't tell him that you are with me today."

"Char, why didn't you tell him?"

"So in case he does something bad, he won't expect that you are with me."

"Charlotte, is there something that you are not telling me?"



It turns out this friend is a cancer patient that Charlotte met at the hospital. I didn't ask much because Charlotte said that it's too personal. I didn't ask as well. We met the guy and it turns out that he's a good guy and a cancer survivor.

I distance myself from them so they can catch up with each other. The guy friend wants to come back to our school now that he's okay. Since Charlotte is the only person he knew he asked if they could. It feels like Charlotte brought me so he will know someone aside from her. Smart of her.

While they were talking I was just surfing through my Instagram enjoying many photo edits that have been posted. I stumbled upon Ashton's picture where he greeted Ethan with a happy birthday yesterday. So I click Ethan's username for me to message him, greeting him a happy birthday.

But to my shock, I can't seem to reach his account. It keeps on telling me that the account doesn't exist. I was wondering if Ethan has deactivated his account.

By the way, Dean's graduation is coming right up, it will be held this coming May 29th and the last of our class that isn't graduating this year will be two days before the graduation day.

The whole school has gone abuzz by the way because I'm dating Calo but I've been sighted with different boys. Yeah, I don't understand why I won't be shocked that they will be making such fuss today that I'm out with a guy friend with Charlotte because of course, they will just ignore her. I wish they would stop doing that.

By the way, many are looking up my name for a sex scandal. Their reasoning was that since I 'so-called dated' a lot of guys, it's not impossible that I would sleep with most of them. Yes, I'm no different to a sl*t/wh*re/b*tch or that what the school sees me.

Don't get me wrong Maddie knew but I told her not to tell mom and dad, they don't need to be stressed by such rubbish. Maddie understands she consoles me telling me that I am so brave for putting up a brave face to everyone and that she and her friends or mostly on her year believe that it was just what haters do to me.

By the way, the Premium class will graduate now and Dean told me that they have selected the same modeling school and they will pursue that career. Dean said that he will be busier once it happens. He told me that he's glad that I created an Instagram account so I can get an update on what he is doing aside from us texting and calling each other.

We won't be able to talk on the phone as often as we did back then but at least I get to know what his current event will be depending on what he posted on Instagram. By the way, finals are coming right up and I should be studying.



Plain Girl, Complex WorldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt