January 20, 2015

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Dear World,

Our academics schedule was canceled and since we don't have much to do. Midterms are coming right up as well, so Charlotte and I went to her friend's house. I didn't know that my classmate in TVET, her name is Kesha, is a close friend of Charlotte. They said that they were classmates back in elementary and their house is near each other.

I thought that we would go to Kesha's house but instead, we went to her boyfriend's house. And I met this guy named Ben, one of Kesha's friends and classmates. He's cute but a bit full of himself. He thinks that he's so amazing in what he does but I don't care about it he's oozing with arrogance. He didn't show off in words, instead, he showed it with his actions.

We had karaoke at their house and I told them that I can't sing. They didn't mind my singing voice though, which I'm telling you it's awful. I didn't receive any judgment and even Ben let me have a duet with him. I enjoyed my time with them. I didn't know that sometimes all you need is some singing alone time with strangers and your best friend.

But to our shock, we received a call from one of my classmates at school. He said that Ms. Tampos wants to meet us for some final instruction and review for the midterms that we will be taking this Thursday. We needed to be there at three and it was so frustrating. The fun was cut short, but we have to go back to school or we might miss out on some pointers that will come out at the exam.

Kesha and the rest of them are so understanding, they even told us that Ms. Tampos make them come over today when they don't have a schedule because of the upcoming midterms.

We were a few minutes late but we were able to catch up with everyone. Others didn't attend the session but I'm so glad that I attended or I wouldn't know the coverage of the test. It was so quick actually it didn't even last ten minutes but what our science teacher said next shocked us.

She said that she doesn't want anyone who has a temporary tattoo to take the test. Yes, she is so old-fashioned and doesn't want any of those tattoos. I got so nervous because some of my classmates had permanent tattoos even though we were just fifteen. Even before the break, she said that she wouldn't let anyone have a temporary tattoo unless they're eighteen. None of us are eighteen, what do you expect?

It's been a tradition to some that during the semestral break, we do things that we can express ourselves that aren't allowed in school. Tattoos, piercings, and dyed hair with 'shocking' colors are discouraged and will get you detention. I'm not saying that they also do body checks if you have tattoos or anything like that but when they will see your tattoo, it won't be a good experience.

Parents see it as a good thing that's why now and then we have students who transferred. Some of my classmates have permanent tattoos but they know how to hide them or the school made them hide them so that they won't be seen by others. I know but they allow others that are eighteen or even teachers.

Which I find funny because they expect us not to do it as well. Like I said earlier Ms. Tampos told us that she won't let us take the test if we have temp tattoos with us. So she went on inspecting us if we have temp tattoos, she didn't mind those permanent tattoos that my classmate had because they've told her that they were reprimanded for it.

I'm actually nervous because I have a temp tattoo. It's on my right foot and it's an anchor with a quote tattoo. I just feel like when I won't rebel against what Ms. Tampos has said not having a temp tattoo will be regret to me. I didn't worry because we wear socks at school and it's completely covered unless I remove the socks.

She was inspecting us and one of my honest classmates revealed her temp tattoo and said that she'll face the consequences. Ms. Tampos's face was so stern in looking at us that she really meant what she said before the break. It was an agonizing feeling, I was so afraid that if I don't reveal my tattoo myself my classmates' will.

Charlotte keeps on looking at me, telling everyone that I already removed the tattoo before class resumed. Finally, I couldn't take it, so I stood up with my classmates that had the temp tattoo. Ms. Tampos asked where my tattoo is and removed my right sock. She just gave me a look.

"Alright, everyone I was just testing your honesty. You can actually take the test, and I don't care about any body modifications that you will do on your body."

Well, that was a shocker. There was a series of 'thank you's from us and even those classmates who didn't have tattoos said their thanks as well. After that Ms. Tampos wish us luck for the test and let us leave the classroom. She even thanked us for our honesty. I really thought it was one of those times that she will make us feel like we are just on the tip of her pen, it wasn't.



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