September 15, 2014

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Dear World,

I saw Zack earlier when I was just on my way to my locker. He told me that teachers are debating whether they will cancel the class tomorrow or not. It has been reported that the bus company is having an event and they will not be on the road.

It sounds like it shouldn't be happening and there shouldn't be anything like those events, especially that a lot of those who don't have cars rely on buses too much. Well, it's not a 24hour no bus day, but buses will be just 8-11 in the morning and 3-4 in the afternoon and 7 in the evening is back on their normal operating hours. Believe me that it sounds crazier that they do this kind of event at least twice a year.

No specific date whatsoever, bus companies will just announce the date and voila, no bus day is held. Still, I would agree with you that this shouldn't be something that is occurring, but I don't know this thing existed.

Sometimes school canceled classes for the event, sometimes they didn't. So as what Zack told me, it will just be announced before dismissal time this afternoon whether there will be class tomorrow or not. Zack said that his party will be tomorrow and that if there will be no classes, he said that he will start the party earlier than planned. He started disseminating the information and announced the time of the party on his social media, especially his Instagram.

I only saw his tweet because I don't have an Instagram and I don't know why I don't have plans on making one for now. I'm just good at having twitter and I think I'll just settle for that stuff for now.

Anyway, it's been quite a while since I last saw Ethan. I hope he goes to the party and he's not that active on his twitter account, though I saw a post that he linked from his Instagram about his mom. He loves his mom and I think that I kind of like that idea. I miss him, and every update about him has some effect on me.

On the other hand, I have normal parents. Mom and dad didn't hit us, mom is more strict than dad and he spoiled us too much for mom's liking. When mom is not around, because she has a small business of food that she gets caught up with. It's the only branch in town and the whole world. She doesn't plan on expanding and having another branch because that would only mean more work load for her. She is really happy about her business though.

Anyway, when she's not around dad would let us have a very greasy pizza and ice cream for dinner. Not that he doesn't know how to cook, but he tends to be lazy in cooking, but don't picture an idea that dad is just spoiling me and Maddie because that's not the whole point of it. He's not lazy or jobless just because mom has a small business. It's nothing like that.

Mom opened that restaurant just last Christmas, that's dad's gift for her. He said he sees it fit that mom will fulfill her lifelong dreams of opening a restaurant.

Dad saved and worked double shifts while still being available as our dad in order to buy the place and save for the capital for the restaurant of mom. He said that it took him seven years of saving the money. Mom was teary eyed and did cry so hard because I would sometimes overhear her talking mean things to dad like having a mistress or he's little by little getting away from us.

Dad will just calm her down and assure her saying that he's working hard because there will come a time that Maddie and I will go to college together and they need to afford it. Our parents never pressure us in getting those straight A's just so we get an academic scholarship. Anyway, we are so happy for mom and awed with dad. Like get-you-a-man like dad, who would dream to fulfill your dream.

Even if mom has come home later than most of us since then she never failed in the stricter parent attitude still. And with that I meant, we never felt like she had no time for us or we didn't see her often.

But anyway, school day and the teachers and the principal didn't even announce that there will be no classes tomorrow so I guess there will be school tomorrow.



Plain Girl, Complex WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora