July 22, 2017

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Dear World,

Last day of the trip but Maddie and me will go to Cruzco island this midnight. Good thing that Katie was out of the picture now because it feels like the place and mood was lighter. Maddie is now back at being fake upset with me because of the prank that I pulled off on her. She keeps on telling me that she'll have her revenge on me but so far the camp is almost over and she still hasn't pranked me yet.

Mom and dad told us beforehand that they will be going to Cruzco island for a vacation trip. They said that they will stay there for a week and tour around the island. Since there's no internet and electricity is for lights only, we no longer know what's the update. They already leave through barge yesterday and I'm pretty sure that those two has the time of their life now that their kids are out of the picture.

We joined one last camp activity then we start packing home right after. I got to say that I forgot about my phone being broken and refusing to turn it on. I'm busier now that we are packing home and when Maddie and I will arrive home we will pack again for the Cruzco trip.

I vlog everything that happened in camp except the Katie incident. Then I decided to edit the videos later while we are on the barge to the island. I also decided to charge two of my extra camera battery since I'll be vlogging the trip to Cruzco as well. I already did its intro earlier with Maddie when we pack for the trip.

Midnight came and my body is shouting to sleep more. Thank goodness mom just left a barge ticket and some allowance. She knew that none of us won't be in condition to drive north where the port for Cruzco is. It's at least a two-hour drive but since it's midnight I think it will be cut to an hour.

We took a cab to the North bus terminal and waited for the two am bus departure. While Maddie was in the shower earlier I microwave her favorite sandwich that I made earlier since I store it in the fridge. That's our meal during the bus ride. Maddie was able to sleep the whole journey but I couldn't.

I thought that I can start editing the camp video on the bus but I was too tired. I vlogged quietly for an update and just close my eyes still awake. From time to time I would peek through the window and see if we arrive at the destination yet. We won't be getting off at the next terminal instead we will alert the driver that our stop is the port.

It was almost four in the morning when we arrive at the port. I showed the official there the ticket and asked them where our barge is. We were instructed to wait as our barge is scheduled to go at six. At a quarter to five, we started to come aboard the boat, we settled on the seat farthest to the exit so we won't be run over once everyone will board off.

I vlog an update when we were on the barge and when it sailed. Maddie was wide awake now and I was able to sleep the whole ride. Maddie woke me up when the island was in sight. I freshen up a bit and we ate our late breakfast, it was already nine in the morning.

Mom and dad were waiting for us outside the port and they drove us to where we are staying. I thought our parents stayed in a resort, but it turns out it was an ancestral house owned by one of our relatives there. I didn't even know that we have relatives there.

If I'm not really tired I would be appreciating the island, it was such a paradise. When mom showed me the room where Maddie and I will share I sleep the whole day. I didn't know if Maddie sleep beside me as well but it was just early afternoon when I woke up and I was alone.

Mom took me to the beach which is just a five-minute walk from where we are staying. The beach wasn't as appealing as the other beaches because it was stony. Some locals are enjoying the beaches but I didn't swim. I was still on my period and I don't feel like swimming in the sea.



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