December 19, 2014

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Dear World,

Today's the last day of school. Not really the last day but it's a dance night. Charlotte told me that everyone is waiting for the right moment for them to ask me for their date. Well to tell you honestly, there were just 3-4 people that asked me on a date.

Let's not creep out or anything, it's not that many, it's normal and well I said no to all of them. I was waiting for Ethan to ask me to be his date but I guess that's too much a dream. I wanted to ask him badly as well but I always chickened out whenever I got near him.

The dance will be held tonight and I still haven't asked Ethan out yet and I won't have a date. Today I decided to ask Ethan out or I'll regret it forever. That's what my First-year teacher told me before. That when I feel like I need to speak out but I chickened out and held my peace then I might regret it.

I don't want any regrets in my life so here goes. I went to Ethan during lunch, I don't care if his best friend Mitchell was there with him. They weren't eating the cafeteria which was a good sign because lesser people will see me get rejected.

I asked him out and he said no. Ouch! Well, it turns out that I was late because he already asked someone out. At least I was able to ask him out. So I take it like a champ and tell them that I'll see them later.

I made my way to the library where Charlotte and I decided to meet after I asked Ethan out. I was entering the building when Aaron came to me. I already said no to him before but he asked me out again. He's persistent so I said yes to him, he'll be picking me up at 6:30 later.

We no longer have class in the afternoon so me and Charlotte went to her house to get ready. My dress was just plain and simple but I love it. It was a pale blue silk dress, (I'm not good at describing the dress design) it's half off-shoulder and it's knee-length. It's in between cocktail and tulip shape dress.

In case you're wondering, we only have two seasons by the way. We are one of those countries that has a tropical climate so I was able to wear the dress with ease and don't feel too hot and cold. Although it's the rainy season now because it's December, it's not every day raining, it's just more rain than during the hot/dry season.

That's why I didn't wear a long dress because it rained yesterday and I don't want to drag a dress, along with water and dirt with it. When we arrived at the gymnasium where the dance was held, it woke me. The night's theme was the December feast but not all about Christmas December, although you can wear one.

Aaron was nice. Charlotte told me about Aaron's sore breakup with his ex, which by the way the girl came to us and said hi. I can't tell if it was a fake hi or she was jealous that Aaron found a girl that replaced her or she was happy that Aaron found someone.

"That was Katie, my ex-girlfriend," Aaron said when she was gone.

"I think she's jealous that you moved on right away."

"Nah, it was a one-sided relationship. For months I made an effort for her like me back but she just didn't."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's been almost two months since we broke up so I'm over her, not completely, to be honest."

I smiled at this, Aaron was something I didn't expect. By the way, if you are wondering where Calo is and why he wasn't my date. It's because his sister had the same schedule for the dance and she's from another school so he wasn't able to attend the dance. He knew about Aaron asking me out, I don't understand why he was so okay with the fact that I went to a dance with some other guy.

Me at first, I thought that Calo would trust me that I would be loyal to him especially when he's not around. I mean Charlotte said that he could have left me with no date because his sister is his priority but letting me be a date with someone is something fishy. Now I'm confused.

Anyway, I'm so happy because Ethan asked me to dance with him although his reason why was not that good for me.

"I'm sorry about earlier for saying no." he said while we were on the dance floor.

"It's alright, don't stress too much about it."

"Well, you see the whole school knows about the dance rejection I think. They are now dubbing me to cool because I reject you."

"Ethan, let them talk. I won't care about it. I'm sorry if you got dragged into this."

After that we were quiet and it felt like he just asked me to dance to tell me that he didn't want to sound cool by rejecting me. I'm flattered that he apologized but part of me wants to think that he asked me to dance because he likes to dance with me.



Plain Girl, Complex Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن