September 17, 2017

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Dear World,

It's Sunday and I haven't been able to attend church service the second time now. It's because of this Red Cross training that I signed up in. I don't even remember why I did join this. It's a whole day and weekend first aid, revival and rescue training.

For the past week, I've been more grumpy than I could even understand. Maybe because that I woke up extra early than most of these people. Master Wu my blade handling sensei somehow knew Master Seok, my Martial Arts discipline sensei, (all seven). She made me one of her disciples and my parents was proud.

I have this workout since I turn eighteen every five-thirty in the morning, Mondays through Fridays. In the morning both Master Wu and Master Seok will be present and we'll train in their school. I once told them that I feel like being trained to be assassin which they dismissed and said that knowing this discipline means that knowing that it won't be use to harm or kill but to protect and defend. Quite deep.

I have this temporary schedule of discipline to do that changes from time to time. I don't have an idea what discipline will I train this morning. One thing is constant, we do Yoga as stretching then proceed with at least two Martial art discipline. I still have the blade handling lesson every Friday afernoon but since I'm already a disciple, it's free.

We also have this cycling day training in which I ran in a stationary bicycle and will also go jog for a mile in a tract or swim a mile in a pool. They use mile because they feel like it's more exertion from my part.

I think I quite remember why I joined the Red Cross training. Master Wu talk me out of it. She reasoned that if I know how to clean and bandage my wound then I don't have to worry about injury. Just great! Because of this I barely have rest in the weekend before I would go back to the training tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong I like being in training, it keeps me from my pressuring thougths about everything. Doing things and movingaround a lot makes me learn where and what to really focus on. One advantage is that I'm never late in school and I'm wide awake, full of energy every morning.

At least Edward join in the training as well. It makes me think that I've been with him for two weeks straight including weekends. His expressive brown eyes is really something that will haunts me. There's just something in his stature that makes you attracted to him.

During the training one of my teacher came and visited us. She was roaming around like a supervisor watching over her team. She then told the student repensentative to pass around an attendance sheet because she will give us plus markings for participating in this event. I guess, listening to Master Wu is rewarding sometimes.



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