April 1, 2018

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Dear World,

This is such an epic day. It's Sunday and my parents left first before we even know it. Kidding, they had matters to attend to and need to be at home. Maddie and I stayed because we have something to finish off in church before we could go home.

Church ends at 11 in the morning but because we were held back, noon came. We were getting hungry and agitated to go home, unfortunately, it was raining so hard. I didn't bring an umbrella because it's in the car. I decided to post some April fools prank on Instagram while we wait for the rain to at least light down.

I received a message from Charlotte who was complaining about my another April fools prank. She can't blame me I've been doing this since ninth grade and the epic part was that a teacher saw it and believe it. Good thing Charlotte interfere and explained that it was a prank.

Moments later, Maddie came to me telling me that she found a transparent trash bag that we can use to cover ourselves from the rain while we walk outside. I agreed in a heartbeat because I was getting hungry. And we made our way to the storage room.

We ran into Precy, one of our churchmates and she brought with her lunch because her husband stayed longer. She keeps on telling us to eat lunch with her before we which is so sweet of hers. But Maddie and I over the years grown to have a huge appetite, especially me because of my very active schedule.

One of our churchmates and close friend named Cerila knew about this huge appetite thingy and was silent the whole time when Precy was convincing us to eat lunch. Cerila was beside Precy because they were at the same table eating lunch. Maddie decided to hold my hand and casually dragged me outside the door while declining politely Precy's offer.

I then heard Cerila laugh and Maddie speaking lowly, "Precy, you don't know how my sister and I eat."

With one last no, Precy said her goodbyes to us instead and we went out. Maddie was smiling while we were walking to the bus stop.

"What are you smiling?"

"About what Precy said earlier."

"Yeah, her persistence was quite funny."

"She even said that we really should eat because based on our body type we don't have that much appetite. I'm still not over that."

"She said that? I didn't hear it."

"That's why Cerila laugh. She knew that we are such a big-eater."

"I heard her laugh but I didn't hear Precy telling us about our appetite. That is so funny indeed."



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