We Need to Talk About Kevin, Part 4

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"Are you Dr. Normal's real "uncle"?"


"What do you call a Kree on a bad day?" If he was a Skrull he'd know this.


"No, alive! You are human."

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Where is Hentai? She did nothing wrong!"

"She is being questioned, maybe you can pick up where you left off and tell me where your neighbor, roommate and his dog are."



"Impersonating your agents?"


"I know a few."

"Who?" And where, and when, and why, and how, and for what purpose?

"I didn't know that you're black."

"I didn't know that you hate the Kree so much."

"How could you not know that?"

"Then tell me more."

In the Other Room...

"This is Little Skopje, look at her." It had gone bad but it still looked tasty.

"How much does Little Skopje pay?"


"To live on your own in New York?"

"I have been trained to have no idea what you're talking about." The cult paid well. "We can gossip about Howard, he has adventures."

"So Kevin." It was a start.

"Yeah, he has issues."

"He already flipped on you."

"For what?"


"In the sewer or on the street?" Morlocks knew how to deal with cops.

"I know that you're a master thief, if you tell me about Kevin-"

"That is racist, I am just a thief." Morlocks had to do what Morlocks had to do.

"Can you at least tell me about Kevin, what did he tell you?"

"See, that's how not to be racist, how much? Anyway, he told me this."

"I love you dad."

"I love you too son." They seemed to be getting along.

"Oh, you really shouldn't-" Kevin got the biggest hug.

"I only want to make you happy."

"I know." Kevin was paying him very well.

"I'm so proud of you!" Very, very, very well.

"Thank you papa."

"You're going to go so far!"

"Umhum." Kevin wanted to be free.

"And I'm going to bang your mom!"

"You don't have to-"

"I sur have son, a lot!" She had a voracious sexual appetite.

"The raccoon-"

"She's not into that- and look at my ass!" It was a nice one, and the abs.

"I hope you survive."

"Me too little buddy!" Kevin got a noogie.

"You look so handsome today!"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now