Kevin's Family

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"Mama, mama? Did you go on vacation by yourself again? I hope you get back soon so you can love me and the writer can figure out something to do with you." Said child Abby.

"What is it my littler Akkorka?" Asked Phil, "do you require refreshment or entertainment?"

"No, why is mama gone all the time?"

"Would you like a pony?" Asked Phil.

"I don't think it would fit in the house."

"What about an evil pony?"

"I'm going to go play now."

"I will fold laundry and give you a hug later," said Phil. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Maybe some chicken?" Suggested Abby.

"Turnip Pudding it is," Phil made a, an adjective Turnip Pudding.

Abby's daydream was interrupted by someone screaming "Cloud!" The Morlocks started running around screaming, bumping into all the statues. Little Macedonia was never a boring neighborhood. Emma could hear the Ghost of Esma humming as she passed by.

"It's a normal cloud!" Shouted the Gypsy fortune teller across the street. The Morlocks calmed down. Little Smyrkia, Sokovia, and Latveria could never have this much character.

"And that's when Spiderman scienced his way out of it, plus the Avengers while I was chillin."

"Was Oscorp held accountable for it's actions?" Asked High Five.

"No one cares anymore," said Abby. "I climbed so many stairs in a matter of seconds."

"You did," said High Five, "pay twice as much for half the coffee?"

"This isn't Starbucks, is that, Kevin? No not Kevin, Kev-" Kevin had been changing his looks lately, Skrulls. But he still had that shifty "I could be deported at any moment look in his eye", and a limp he got at a Kree-Skrull Annual Truce/Dodgeball, it never ended well. Who was that woman...and her children?

"Who's that guy?" Asked High Five, as a handsome Indian looking doctor walked in.

"Hello, I love my family! Hello, friends, I have a family, this a friend from work family." Said "Dr. Singh".

"Kevin?" Asked Abby.

"Kevin is my other friend from work, she is drunk." Explained Totally not Kevin.

"Yes, I am," said Abby awkwardly, what did he get himself into this time?

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