The Sinister a Number, Part 9

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"Was that outdoor thunder?" Outdoor thunder was good thunder.

"Yes sir, she's walking towards her building, I can see..." Who was that guy hiding in the bushes? "There's another SUV with tinted windows, there are people with SHIELD uniforms." Maybe they could take turns confronting her. "False alarm, that's just a ghost. Maybe we can text her, the SHIELD agent is going in the building. Did you tell Dr. Verde to come here?" Was he here for the duck? 

"Knock, knock."

"She's right in front of me."

"I'm not getting in the car."

"She's not getting in the car."

"Everything is going to plan."

"Everything is going to plan."

"You can go."

"I can go, what's that? I can't go."

"Does he have Zoom?"

"No one asks the Kingpin if he has Zoom!"

"I think that Kingpin has Zoom he just prefers to meet in person," said the SHIELD agents looking down from Abby's apartment.

"I have to pee," said Dr. Bong.

"Is that a bell in a bush?"

"That is Dr. Bong."

"He must be here for Howard."

"We can do lunch," said Abby. 

"Confirmed, he likes lunch, he will send you the details."

"The mayor likes lunch."

"By the way, anyone else, everything is fine!" Shouted Abby. Lester raised his hand. "Life is going to plan, so far." Lester gave her the thumbs up. "Hold on, I'm getting a text."

"Do we like lunch?" Asked the SHIELD agent.

"We can have a sleepover and do breakfast."

"See you later." Being this duplicitous was exhausting. What was poking her? "Derek?" Abby had fallen asleep at her desk. "I'm fine, I'm just sleepy." Derek wasn't buying that. "Why are you dancing?" Derek wanted to go to the bar. "Not tonight," a calendar notification went off. "IESC Karaoke Night Meetup, I forgot that was tonight." Abby just wanted to go home, eat food, watch trash and sleep. The divine inspiration that she needed for the Gwurch structure could come later. Derek followed her out of her office. "See you in the morning." Derek kept following her. "Then you have to get in my bag, and if Janet is still spying on me you have to alert me." Derek could do that.

"Ha, ha, ha." Cackled the man across the street looking in the window. "She has missed me."

"Yes that is my book, Lester recommended it." It actually answered a lot of questions. Potential evil lairs could be found in Newspapers and via Word of Mouth. Or Twitter, if it was a shitty sign and a shitty neighborhood you probably wouldn't get arrested for trespassing. For furniture there was Craigslist, or DIY. Being a Supervillain in the 21st century h d it's challenges but there were so many resources at your fingertips now. Abby was learning so much, and also other things that she didn't want to learn. 

"I convinced Karen Paige that she had AIDS," said Mysterio.

"She didn't actually have AIDS?"

"Surprisingly not after sleeping with Daredevil, oh and the heroin, and the porn."

"Whose semen did you use to inseminate that woman?"

"Excellent question," said Mysterio.

But for every questionable life choice there were the preferred vendors for helicopters, well really, the best places to steal them from. Scorpion's tail also made an amazing Wifi hotspot, when, now he was just about as dangerous as radiation. Rhino hadn't gotten that joke. But he thought that the garage sale was a good idea.

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