Kevin's Family Part 4

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"Ahhh!" Janet was screaming again. "I felt the child touch me!"

"Calm down Janet, we only hear the child, we never see it," said Abby.

"It says Mommy!"

"I know, but if you ignore it it stops making noise and it emotionally develops just fine," Abby had turned out okay.

"Hee hee," there was a giggle.

"Who threw this red ball over here?" The ball had rolled to Abby's feet.

"Hi," those silly gasses, and the rustling at night that the Gwens, Oscorp!

"See this petri dish Janet?"

"I see the-"

'It was never here and I never had it, Hans did." Hans was on vacation.

"But, oh," Janet was still, there were noises. "My boyfriend is never going to believe this."

"Neither will mine," this mysterious phone number would lead to something. And at least Abby's wasn't away all the time working and divorced with two kids. He probably didn't exist, but, Janet. And he did science, was he Canadian too?

"Pikachu," muttered a generically engineered rat with intense pain, "the kids are going to want to catch all of you."


"Oscorp is going to make so much, ow!" It had tasted blood. "Stupid Gremlin DNA!"

"Pika-" it exploded.

"If the turtles end up being evil-"

"Just make them normal turtles again and tape squirt guns to their backs?"

"Yes, Janet, why would we burn perfectly good turtles." Janet had a favorite turtle, Abby pretended not to know for Janet's sake, and Titian's.

"Do you have rabies now?"

"I don't know," said Abby. She could have worse, Abby reminded herself to go to the hospital eventually. "I could salvage these bits and make a cyborg Pikachu." Against Abby's fun judgement she went to wash her hands instead. "I see you flipping me off Titian." Titian was kind of a dick turtle. "Who left their Ebola sample by the sink?" And the Oscorp Cloning Policy poster.


"Gary!" Gary was a clumsy virologist.

"I'm going to combine it with the super cancer!" Gary tried so hard.

"Good luck with that!" Gary would kill them all one day. Hopefully Hans would go first.

Meanwhile at Kevin's Apartment...

"I guess that wanting a family is natural, but he's taking up room in my fridge," said Kevin. Dr. Singh had fallen hard on his head and cold helped slow concussive damage. "I'm going to tell Lakshmi the truth, she is an amazing woman and... "Dr. Singh, Doctor, there you, it burns!" Dr. Singh grabbed Kevin's leg. Kevin shot him. "Fire!" Dr. Singh crawled away. "You can't escape your past!"


"Society of Ultimate Pestilence, SOUP, that must be who you work for!" Kevin was a great detective.


"Oh, he wants...should I feed you?" He could just disappear, but then someone might... "I'll boil some scalding hot water." Dr. Singh started crawling like a madman and warming himself up."

"Good thinking, then we can interrogate you and decide whether or not you live," said Kevin. He  threw a blanket on Dr. Singh. Do ghosts wear them all the time because they're cold "I have Campbells," said Kevin, and it was the dinosaur kind. "Maybe I should call SHIELD," he thought as he dumped the water on the blanket, it actually worked. Dr. Singh poked his head out. "How do you feel about dinosaurs?" Asked Kevin.

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