Latverian Christmas, Part 1

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"Life is frightful, but fire is delightful, and since ve can no go home, vy not more snow?"

"That is not  how the song goes."

"It is, it tale of living in Gulag." 

"What does that have to do with the holidays?"

"It reminder zat people have it vorse, and die." "Baby, It Cold Outside," was just the weather report though.

"Are there any Russian Christmas songs?"


"Perhaps we could play some at the Christmas party," SHIELD had a lot of Russian assets.

"Ve must play "Volves Come to Village.""

"Are they friendly wolves?"

"It is Vinter, zey are starving!" The warmth of their bellies was a welcome relief though, as was death.

"Bela, are there any Latverian Christmas songs?"

"Latveria, Christmas?"

"I go over here." Katya avoided his cursed holiday traditions.

"We can get whores?"

"No, we can't."

"I can teach zem songs, and zey can give out candies and presents."

"That sounds, really nice, what presents do prostitutes give children in Latveria?"

"Little choo choos, nougats, tiny little Jew hunting-"

"What was that last thing that you said?"


"Before that."

"Little choo choos. I can make you one."

"After the 'little choo choos'?"


"Tiny children run from volves, Papa Volf go for fat ones first, fast ones get away, relatively unhurt, here come volves to village, here come volves to village-" It was a Christmas Classic.

"This diversity program was a bad idea."

"Da, zink so?"

"I have to go back to work now."

"You do that Bela."

"Where do we put the Kwanza Menorah?"

"It's not called a Menorah."

"Then what is it called?"

"Kwanza is a very important holiday for Director Fury."

"It is?"

"If only, once in my life, I could have a traditional Latverian Christmas again," like the ones Bela had had as a child.

"Pizdec I hear sentimental holiday music, Cholovik!"

Many Years Ago...

"Doom demands that you be merry or he will shoot you in the face!"

"Look!" the child was was pointing  down to his happy dancing feet.

"That is sufficient merriment."

"Thanks Mr. Doombot!" He was so nice.

"Follow all the laws of Doom."

"I sure will!" He skipped off.

"You make some really nice Doombots Bela."

"Thank you."

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz