Musical Karma Part 3

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"And I thought that I was incapable of dying," said Kevin. "So, her stuff."

"I think that they'll just kill her."

"No, they should be against that!"

"'s your wife Howard?"

"It didn't work out."

"She might not make it, she has the rooms completely out of order." A Doctor wouldn't do that.

"Sometimes it's the nature of writing and adaptation." Said Kevin. "I have faith that we should have no faith in her."

"You are willing to sell your coffee shop to me..."

"High Five!" He already owned an alarming amount of Little Macedonia.

"I wonder how she's doing."

In Abby's Room...

"What's up you comatose bitch? Huh? Can't think of a witty comeback now, can't manipulate me? Can't destroy half the city because you have emotional issues? I am going to bury the legal sense. There is a very exclusive list of people that I would go to jail for and you are not on it, unfortunately. I will screw you harder than Norman screws the Gwens- by the way, you are also going to jail for that. You are a monster, you are dragging Oscorp down and holding it back from greatness, You and Norman, and we are investigating all those missing objects." Liz swore that she flinched. "There is a new sheriff in town, I will throw you in a deep, dark hole, cover it in cement- while also making sure that you don't have a shovel, or a bomb, or any other cartoonish plot armor that could save you. I will make sure that you stay there and never darken the door of the basement, or Oscorp, ever again!" Abby was whelmed.

"Um, Liz..."

"Janet, hi, I was just checking-"

"That was impressive, and yes, she does deserve all tht and more...but you never changed the official policy, yet."

"DAMMIT!" Cried Liz Allen.

"And employee law and firing, in this state, and state is...I don't know if-"

"You sound very angry," said Steve.

"Is that Siryn having an orgasm?" Said High Five, who was kind of turned on.

"What is-"

"Just kill her!"

"You know I can't..."

"We should go."

"If she lives-"

"She's still-"

"Ahhh!" Liz Allen hated plot armor.

"This is very abnormal brain activity," Dr. Strange had only seen anything like it in people who had gotten booped on the forehead by the Ancient One. "What is her family history?" He grabbed her file. "Damn," that was a name. "I must access the innermost workings of her mind so that I can raise her from this slumber." Dr. Strange....did that.

"Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da! Da da da- schew, a schew schew, shchew-" EDM Circus Afro wasn't- the bass dropped. "Toot, toot, toot," Howard the Duck was twerking, what was Goat Stacy wearing?"


"I AM GOD!" A top hat a goggles, it was leopard print top hat and the goggles- there was a close up on Howard's ass.

"Ah, ah, ah ah!" A Newton's cradle and an illuminati-

"Keep it fresh," said the Doombot doing the robot.

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now