Where is Gwen #328? Part 6

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"Mother!!!" Janet was chasing Gwen #328 down a tunnel. 

"Gwen, wait!"

"Do not melt me, do not melt me!"

"I'm not going to melt you."

"Mother will forgive me, if I tell the Gwishop, no, don't touch me!"

"How did she even know to come down here?" Asked Steve.

"What's that smell?"

"Mother has made me immune!"

"How is that stuff still down here?" How much of it had she pumped into the sewers?

"I know this place!" She was running for the Baxter Building which was actually...how did she know..."Gwen, don't..." Which tunnel had she gone down? 

"Exit 38A." Someone had put up a sign.

"She probably went down that one." The other tunnel was all black, dark, and menacing, generally sketch, even in this town.

"Lets go that way."

"Good job."

"Reed, who is that running beneath the building?"

"I didn't hear the alert go off."

"You usually don't," it actually went off a lot, and before Dr. Normal had been pretty mundane-

"Is that a Gwen?" Where was Franklin's old-

"I'm sorry." Janet absorbed her.

"Lets get you...that's some strong stuff."

"Indeed it is."

"I know, that gas..." The transmission stopped.

"Where did she go?"

Meanwhile Underground...

"Steve, where the hell-"

"Greetings Dr. Pasdegrave."

"Oh, hi, Dr...Mole Man." What a lovely army of Mole People.


"I think that they don't like us."

"We have been watching you for many years."

"Honestly I am not surprised."

"You are a friend of, Dr. Normal?"

"Actually no...it's complicated."

"I see, my surface envoy has told me-"

"What, who is your surface-"

"He lurks in the shadows and has been specially trained, he once hunted us but now that he sees our plight he tells us tales of the surface, and what he knows of its secrets, you are-"

"A busy lady who needs to go home."

"No, you will not go home...until you agree to an alliance."

"A what?"

"Dr. Abby Normal is our common enemy."

"I, she's what?" 

"She has been disrupting my Mole Kingdom, our eyes above were able to warn us of the gas." This was not the first time that they had suffered at her hands though.

"Who works for you on the surface?"

"That is for me to know and you to possibly find out, would you like a tour of my Mole Kingdom?"


"Too bad." She was shoved into a cart. "This, is a rock."

"I can't see."

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat