The Sinister a Number, Part 7

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"What do you mean he was just dumped outside of Ravencroft?" He was in a coma? But he had been alive and well throwing pumpkin bombs at people hours before.

"It's him, we tested his DNA and everything." She wouldn't have something to do with this perchance?

"Is he okay?"

"No, but medically he's fine. Someone has been taking surprisingly good care of him."

"I think I might know who has been doing this city such a great service, is Howard here yet?"

"No, and um Liz-"


"She's in New Jersey."

"Who is?"

"Dr. Normal."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure." It was a long story. 

"Is that a helicarrier taking off?" Towards New Jersey.


"They're probably rescuing her."

"That's a large helicarrier for one person." They also probably left a few agents behind to help catch all those Spiderman villains. 

"She is a big deal, I hope that she's not too distracting."

"She is very good at that." She was clearly kidnapped, she wouldn't be...


"I think that we need to go to New Jersey."

"We, well I, maybe you, didn't they ask about the HAMMER Tech?"

"The Hammer Tech with the....yeah." Were they Life Model Decoys? They couldn't have been... "You go, I need to wait for Howard to get here." He knew some very pertinent information,

"Should he come to New Jersey?" Why not? It was a road trip after all.


"99 Gwens in a tube, 99 Gwens in a tube, take one down, clone her so she can go to pound town, 98 Gwens in a tube! 98 Gwens in a tube, 98 Gwens in a tube, take one down, clone her so she can go to pound town, 97 Gwens in a tube!" How many Gwens were in tubes?


"Yes, Sarah?" 

"I'm starting to not miss our mother."

"Are we there yet?"


"Are you sure?"


"Darling child."

"The Garden State Expressway!"

"We have crossed into the Promised Land, let sing a hymn of praise!"

"No, no more-"

"Shut up and believe, shut up and believe!"

"That's a hymn?"

"We don't want freedom!"

"I think that we turn here."

"The statue!" 

"Is that the Martin Luther King Jr. Statue?" They were close.

"What do you think that our gwisters are doing?"

"Keep going you've got it, good, that's great, hey, don't bump into the missiles!"

"Yes mother!"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora