Where is Gwen #328? Part 4

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"Like totally heresies."



"Good, oh Gwen?"

"Yes Gwen, you are present."

"Good, we all know the plan right?"


"Of course."


"We are breaking out our Gwister."


"Stealing the Declaration of Independence."


"Gathering information, snooping, spying."

"General sneakity sneaks."

"Someone got the "casual game of charades"."

"You weren't re-enacting the sinking of the Titanic?" She had been an excellent distraction.

"Follow me." The Gwens followed Gwen.

"My eyes are broken."

"It's just dark."

"Oooh!" Gwen had a flashlight.

"Which way are we going?"

"I know, I keep asking the same thing ."

"Me..." There were two flash-



"Gwen, what are you doing here?"

"Are you stealing the Declaration of Independence?"


"Gwen, shut up."


"..." The other party of Gwen's Gwen began to aggressively mime-

"She isn't your boss."

"I was telling her to shut up."

"Who were you telling to shut up?"


"Everybody shut up!" Gwen could hear steps above them. "There are Gwens everywhere."

"I think that's the point..."

"Gwen, go steal the Declaration of Independence."

"Okay, where is it? Ow!" It must be a secret.

"Who are you with?"

"The Gwen Association for the Advancement of Gwens." Better known as GAFAG. 

"Not the Gwen Association for the Advancement of Freedom for Gwens?"

"No, and neither the Gwen Association for the Advancement of Freedom and Liberty for Gwens." Better known as GAFAFL..G. "Are you Liberty for Gwens?"


"Good, because we dislike them."

"Yeah, what jerks-"

"Weren't you in-"

"A test tube before, yes, that was me." Gwen had been a founding member of Liberty for Gwens until Gwen had...she hated Gwolitics.

"Are you here for the donation files?"

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