Goat Stacy

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It was a normal day at Oscorp, so an abnormal day anywhere else. Abby was in the lab preparing Gwens, the embryos at least, Gwenbryos, waiting for the science juice to boil while the centerfigues spun around and other science related noises could be heard.

"I love the smell of science in the morning," thought Abby as she noticed a mystery needle of something that she probably had to shoot up later. Or there was Hans' work station, Hans loved a good mystery.

He also loved prancing around in his leiterhosen, today was ethnic dress day at Oscorp. It was the first of many concessions Oscorp was feigning to make up for sudden, surprise superpowers. Everyone needed to express themselves. Abby was wearing a Latverian folk headdress, actually from Latveria since Etsy could legally be a thing now there.

The red floral embroided and beaded Baroque/Renaissance inspired headdress, that was secured with a red ribbon on the back was festive but professional, if you googled traditional Hungarian headdress it would be in the first row of images. If you continued down the page you'd see that Abby surely could have outshined Hans. But that would make the foillowing implausible because it would be too big to accidentally fall into the pot of Gwenbryos and boiling science juice.

Abby poured the Gwenbryos into the science juice, and as she did her headdress accidentally tumbled in. Someone had to get back on Etsy. Abby poured the ruined batch in a giant electrified Vibranium vat that accidentally went aflame once and was tickled by Doc Oc.

"Hey, I'm going to pour more chemicals and stuff in here," said Hans. As Hans poured more chemicals and stuff in there the Spider that bit Spiderman accidentally bumped into it and chuckled at his clumsiness.

As Hans and Abby turned around expecting nothing new to happen, nothing new happened! There were flames, noises, cackling, but whatever came of it usually just lay low and snuck out of the lab later or ended up in a river in New Jersey.

As they stopped no one noticed- until there was bleeting, and Abby could see horns poking out.

"Not another demon," said Abby, she grabbed a Bible and the Windex. "Go back to the pit, ye-"

"Baa!" It was a goat. And not just any goat, a blonde goat, with- Goat DNA, of course! What else would that Latverian headdress have been covered with? What horrible creature- "Baa?"

"Hello new creature, I am Dr. Abby Normal, who are you?"


"Well there isn't exactly an orientation. But if you're a goat who can read there's a pamphlet." Abby took out the "Welcome to the (Oscorp) World" Pamphlet and threw it down. The goat ate it, goats.


"Yes, Oscorp was established in..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing Hans."

"I heard an animal noise."

"Janet farted."

"She does have a lactose allergy." Abby scooped up her new creation.


"Who gave you cheddar Janet?"


The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now