Steve the Symbiote, Part 4

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"You may be wondering, Kevin, what a wonderful job you are doing with repairing that wall." There were wires, it was complicated. "And you're welcome for not demanding payment, as a fellow tinkerer and scientist you see the value in that. I'd like to present to you- this disguise device!"

"Is that free?"

"It's painfully out of date, you need to not be detected as a symbiote, I need to not eb detected as a Skrull, our brains together can resolve this issue."

"What do you want?"

"5 minutes in the room, either one."

"You have to show me where the other one is."


"Hey Kevin, we couldn't find it- oh my God!"

"I never imitated your wife." It was a sore spot for Clint.

"Please don't take him."

"Is that..."

"Let us explain."

One Long Explanation Later...




"That would be bad."

"I don't want to be a Spiderman villain," said Steve. "I just want to be with Janet and see the world!" Or at least the basement, Janet needed all the help that she could get down there.

"I'm sorry about your face,"

"Me too," said Janet.

"But if we build these devices we can all be free!"

"Maybe you shouldn't be free Kevin." Said Hawkeye.

"How low is your rent?" Point taken.

"I want to get in the closet too."

"I got 5 minutes."

"Would you like your blackmail stick?"

"My what!"

"Nevermind." Said Steve.

"I want in the hole."

"Giggity," said Kevin.

"I don't think you want to go in-"

"Get him before he goes in the hole!"

"I will call the Avengers!"

"Ding dong."

"God dammit racism!"

"No, I have a doorbell," said Kevin. He peeked through the hole. "What is the bodega-"


"It found me!" Flerkens were great hunters. "Sorry!" Steve went full symbiote all over Janet.

"Hiss!" Steve opened his mouth with sharp-"


"Gulp." The cat wasn't an... "Uh oh." A bunch of stuff came out, including the, and what was in the...

"There could be some useful stuff in here." You never knew what you can find in a bodega.


"How long does it take to find one symbiote Miss Allen?" Things were getting tense now. "I have a simple plan, we all work together to find this menace and then whoever finds it first gets the most shares."

"Was this your plan along?"

"It was yours too."

"You would profit off of dead babies."

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