Vision Quest, Part 1

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"So, you got double crossed by Cthulhu and now you don't have a family?"

"That is true, Uncle Nicky."

"What were you thinking when you crawled up Cthulhu's butt?"

"Family, I also punched a ghost."

"How did that feel?"

"Like nothing at all. So, have the Fantastic 4 asked you about me?"

"They filed a restraining order."

"Oh, that's racist."

"We're sending you to mandatory therapy."

"I'll tell them thet you're using a life model decoy."

"We are all life model decoys."

"So, I, a life model decoy am in no trouble and do not have to go to-"

"You are human, we are all life model decoys!"

"So...this is discrimination?"

"Is it because I'm black?" Sarcastically asked Nick Fury.

"No, I feel very attacked right now, this environment, scoff," Abby walked out of the interrogation room.

"What are we..." Commander Fury turned on his communication device. "Hill."

"Yes Commander Fury."

"Dr. Normal is ignoring her problems again and not taking responsibility for her actions."

"She is?" Abby ran by trying to escape.

"You'll never catch me alive!"

"You know what to do."

Waking Up in Your Apartment Later...

"We're not putting her in Ravencroft?"

"Enough of his crazy has rubbed off, hi Abby, my good friend."

"Why are all of you here and why do you forgive me?"

"We're just here- for you."

"Go to therapy!" Howard the Duck had a bullhorn.

"What kind of therapy?"

"The therapy kind!"

"Oh, that it was hard to- Antman is sneaking up your butt!"

"I'm right here."

"Oh, hello, how's the, not herpes?"

"Fine, because I do not have herpes."

"I had herpes."

"Of course you did Ben!" Did she have to be tied down to her bed?

"Also, we're seeking damages," said Hentai.

"Hey, do you like that lamp?"


"Take it, it was never here, can I be free now?"

"Say that you'll go to therapy."

"I Normal Simza Gerta Lala Svetlana Chaci-"

"You don't have to say your full name."

"Erszebet Margit Abby Doctor," a few middle names were out of place but whatever. "Promise to go to therapy and work on myself."

"And take responsibility for your actions."

"And take responsibility for your actions, yay, untie me and get out!"

"Would you like to place your takeout order now and later?"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon