The Statue, Part 3

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"Ho ho ho Norman, it is, I Santa Claus, who has been a bad boy?"

"It is you!" It was a hologram. "Where are my things?"

"What things do you want?"

"All of them!" Norman fired his goblin rockets. "A hologram!"

"Crap, do I start tap dancing?"

"Who is...Dr. Normal!"

"Mr. Goblin, sir, how are ya!"

"Where are my things?"

"Well, um, I have been hunting them down and...Morlocks."


"They took them- and the Mole People-"

"Of course, did they get into my home and office?"

"They're sneaky...I can show you where I found some of your stuff but-"

"Take me to the sewer!"

"Okay." The Morlocks had all been evacuated.

One Trip to the Sewer Later...

"So anyway, I killed them all-"

"Your loyalty is impressive!"

"Well why would you question it?" Grimaced Abby. "There's the Morlock Bodega, why don't we stop for some Paprika Chicharones?"

"There is no time!"

"They're probably sold out anyway..."

"I am sorry." They walked further on in awkward silence. "Perhaps there is another-"


"A cat!"

"Mawr!" Norman fired a rocket.

"That's, it's a neighborhood cat. Lucianna hissed at Norman. He must have run down here to escape Norman's rampage. "Here we are."

"I heard something!"

"Someone must have had Mexican."

"No, I- ah!" Spiderman webbed him.

"Oh no, Spiderman!"


"And Hawkeye, I'll go get help!"

"An action secen is commencing!" Abby ran off to "go get help".

Norman's special tranquilizer darts were tough to load into the gun, who had...well at least they worked quickly and efficiently. They could kill herds of cows.

"I found a gun!" Abby aimed at Norman.


"Lucianna, what are you doing here?"


"Lucianna..." His mouth opened wider, and wider until....


"Was that for your...."


"Good Flerken, who's a good little-"


"A cat café/bodega, yes!"


"I think she wants to be the manager."

"Do any of us speak cat?"

"No, but she is-"

"Ah! Where am I?" A snae Norman was regurgitated. "This isn't..."

"You escaped Ravencroft, again."

"Do I have my punch card?"

"I gave you double punches." He earned nothing but it was a fun promotion. "A flerken swallowed you, do you want to go back home now?"

"No, I'm fine, I feel much-" Abby tranquilized him.

"It's cool, we're friends."

"Will Santa be govig him any of his stuff back?"

"Maybe, as long as he doesn't do anything else too crazy." Luckily Carnage was very far away. "Lets dunk him in the sewer water one more time to cleanse him of his sins."


"I'll take-" Lucianna swallowed him up again.

"So is he..."

"He is out he won't- lets be like Hawkeye and just follow the, ow!"

"Stop it or I will call Wanda!" Spiderman had her real number. "What's this about an Etsy store?"

"Magenta pants free to a good home?"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now