The Church of Gwen, Part 7

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"That's weird."

"I know."

"I guess it could be technological in origin." 

"Could you check and see if she built something like this, or if she knows how to obtain such technology?"

"I could..."

"But?" He looked up her information. 

"Do you speak Hungarian, or whatever the hell this is?"

"It's Latverian."

"Even better, we got a translator, it's a specific subset of, Latverian, used by one clan." The Ursari to be exact, they were bear tamers. Only they spoke it.

"She also speaks German."

"Fantastich." These files weren't in German.

"Is this legal?" She was blatantly covering her tracks.

"It's a gray area but not uncommon." You could only trust Norman Osborn so much.

"Have you seen anything like this before?"

"Maybe Liz is right, it could be a ghost."

"It was Liz, I was talking to Liz." Was it Mysterio? No, he would never work with her after...?

"A ghost prank?" This was quite advanced, not to say it was impossible but..."It could have been the Shadow King."

"Why would the Shadow King..." No, Abby didn't know any..."Hentai!" She was a Morlock, in fact there were...."I need to go now."

"You're supposed to clear time off with Formerly Human Resources."

"I'm working," said Janet.

"Will Dr. Normal be home?"

"I certainly hope so," said Janet.

"Foggy, did something just swing by?"

"It looks like Spider..." That wasn't Spiderman.

"Excuse us!" His Spider senses hadn't-

"Watch where you're going!"

"Sorry Peter." Who was that?

"A new symbiote?" This was news.

"Hello there!"


"What's your name?"


"Where are you going on this fine day?"

"We are doing spy business."

"That's fun, where?"

"Little Macedonia."

"Cool," That place sounded familiar. "Can I tag along?"

"No, we're already overbudget for a few seconds of your time, nice meeting you though."

"I think that I should come with you anyway," the acting mayor had been snooping around there recently.

"As long as you hang around in the back and don't say words."

"Cool," said Steve.

"She could be working with Mysterio." said Mark, the head of security.

"Why would he be doing that?" Asked Liz, who was back at Oscorp.

"She didn't bang his brother and we would not be expecting that."

"The sex or the working relationship?" Did Mysterio even have a brother?

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