The Sinister a Number, Part 11

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The Greeks were vandalizing the "Welcome to Little Macedonia" sign again, while some Bulgarians joked that Little Macedonia should just join Little Bulgaria. They also thought that Little Moldova should just join Little Romania. Bulgarians were very opinionated.

"They should just take down the sign and have the Ghost of Esma stand there forever and do her thing instead," thought Abby. "But then people would think Little Macedonia was Little Bulgaria because it would seem like we had the most Roma people...but we are in Queens," and Little Macedonia did host the annual Roma festival. "What about a potted plant with a flag in it? Not a rose but-" the struggle to stand out was real. "A sticky note that said we don't have special yogurt."

"Hello, Dr. Normal."

"I'm not telling you about...people that I talk to."

"That is not my business here, besides, I believe that you're going on the radio tomorrow."

"Are you hiding in my apartment from the cops?" It was called a Podcast.

"No, from the Roxxon security guards."

"I thought that you were selling stuff to them now."

"I am, it's a secret." If you weren't locked up and wouldn't expect a share of the profits.

"Ah, I see, I'm out of food that I didn't make myself."

"There have been worse fates." He started making a sandwich. "I turned into you and disabled all the cameras and microphones." He naturally knew where all of them were. It was in his Russian blood. "They're really going at it."

"They are- don't use that meat."

"Is this a regular thing?"

"Just around holidays."

"Why do you have one bag of chips hidden away like a Jew?"

"No, no, those are special-"

"Crunch. I do love paprika." Where was the Pepsi?

"How long will you be hiding out here?"

"Not too long, when would you normally leave your house again?"

"I'm not checking your butt." He wasn't that old.

"What is that?"

"The Real Animal Sidekicks of New York, they're going on their Atlantis vacation, to reconnect as a group. They never do and there's always more drama."

"Then what is the point?"


""I, Loki but a horse am incensed that I was not invited on this Atlantis vacation!"

"Maybe it's because you cause chaos and a lot of drama as your role-"

"I can be a dolphin, a slutty dolphin, a seahorse, I can be anything they want me to be!"

"Aren't you banned from-"

"Yes. But if I take a different form there will be no traveling difficulties."

"I may have invaded Atlantis and attempted to, Atlantis was as Midgardians say, a God Damn dumpster fire for many years afterwards. "

"Squirrel noise!"

"He is not invited."

"Squirrel noise?"

"Friendship, friendship, I know."

"After someone turns into a much larger dragon and chases after you to eliminate you and seize control of your friend group you really start questioning their motives. Also that rumor about me and an Amoeba from Reed Richards lab. We did not hook up!"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now