The IESC, Part 8

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"What's wrong with Gwen?" Asked Gwen.

"By the power of Grayskull!"

"Gwen is our new prophet, she is having a vision quest for spirituality." She was high AF.

"I shall guide mother's people!" There was so much hope for the people.

"Is she okay?" Asked Dr. Bong.

"Yes and no...."

"My soul is an immortal being!" She ran past them with great speed.

"Look at her go."


"Oh look, there's the...." Expressway...

"We must pray for a new prophet!"

"Someone do an autopsy on her." Her eyes were a bit, large and expressive. "When is the fence going to be done?"

"At the speed of fence." The construction Gwens had just finished a Bob the Builder marathon, they were truly masters of their craft.

"Is there a Youtube tutorial for major surgery?"

"I thought that you were the Doctor Gwen."

"Yeah...." Thank god they had a vast criminal empire supporting them.


"Is You's Dr. Bong?" It was the Maggia.

"Yes, it is me."

"We'd like to "further invest in developing your community"."

"That is wonderful."

"Yeah, we have like $30 Million we don't want the government findin' out about."

"Have you contacted the IESC?"

"Well we had $30 Million left," The Gas Tax Avoidance Scam was very profitable. "Do you's need a community center or sumthin'?"

"That would be fantastic, but how..."

"We'd like access to certain facilities owned by your definitely a real church, we can also procure the materials for the building for approximately $30 Million." They also knew some guys who could help with the construction.

"It is a real church, the IRS recognized us."

"That is a surprise, how did you's do that?"

"There's a lot of rules but it's not that hard, kind of like having sex..."

"I's sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing, absolutely, your boss without a doubt experienced a female and made a male heir."

"That's what I thoughts you said."

"That is definitely, so $30 Million." The business of church was going well. 

"We was thinkin' a community center, made outta marble, and gold."

"Why just a community center?"

"You's need a clinic or sumthin' too?"

"No, forget the community center, we need a symbol of our faith, something cathedral sized." They were 75% of the way there already.

"That's idolatry!"

"Still not as bad as the IRS or dropping the soap."

"So, a modern or an old school cathedral?"

"What is the oldest school that you can think of?" Mother would be very pleased.

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