The Dr. Abby Normal Arbor Day Spectacular, Part 1

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"There's never a full moon sometime around Arbor Day," said Gwen.

"I know, it's so weird."

"We should go tell Mother, when is Arbor Day in New Jersey?"

"The last Friday in April, the same as in New York."

"Is is always that day?"

"It varies by state."

"Wow, Arbor Day is so cool!" It was such an interesting holiday, trees!

At Mother's Holy Sanctum...

"Horse Jizzzzz!" Abby was furiously packing. "When's Arbor Day in Florida?" The third Friday in January? Phil would love a surprise visit.


"Mother is very busy."

"Where are you going?"

"On a Holy Pilgrimage."

"Can I go with you?"

"No, I must confront the devil."

"You require our strength!"

"I require space, only I can best the devil."

"Are you sure?" She seemed very concerned.

"Have faith dear child."

"I'm part deer?" She wasn't going anywhere near that road.

"I must go.'

"Where?" Was that mother's cellphone going off?

"Not now." Abby was due for a debriefing.

"Is that Norman?"


"That's good," said the Gwen, "I mean..."

"You saw and heard nothing."

"I saw and heard nothing." Abby ran for the van.

"Why is she running for the van?" This got the SHIELD agent's attention. "Dr. Normal is acting suspiciously." He didn't get a reply. "She is running for the van."

"Running for the van?" Where was she going?

At Butt Stuff...

"That's weird..." That music definitely wasn't Charlie Kazansky's theme music.

"Is this the place?" Hentai and Kevin would go into the bowels of Butt Stuff...whose name would be changed soon, and, what had this building been before? "Is that Charlie Kazansky's..." Where was she, was she spying on them?

"She must not be feeling well, lets go inside, nothing bad is going to happen today!" Today was Kevin's first date with Hentai, whether she realized it or not. 

"Isn't this romantic?" Said Hentai sarcastically.

"It sure is, why didn't we hire a building inspector?"

"I've done this before, if we don't find anything wrong we'll save money."

"Are you a qualified building inspector?"

"I am a businesswoman," Henati unlocked the door. "I know that this building does need some work." They began the tour.

"I'm going to punch this beam and see if it's sound." It made a sound. "That's a strong beam." Kevin was helping. What was that noise?

"What are you doing with your flashlight?"

"I thought that I heard something."

"Probably rats," they would be taken care of, they were a staple food after all. "I get the ominous sense that we should not go down this hallway."

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now