The IESC, Part 1

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"This meeting of the Independent Evil Scientist Club has been called to order."  This was a historic event, every chapter in the city was here. 

"Mission accomplished!"

"Don't say that." It was bad luck. "Our forevaters would be proud of our progress, so far, but there is stull much work to do." Their portraits stared proudly back at them from the wall. "From our humble, mostly German beginnings-"

"There were Russians too!" And don't forget the Italians, the Japanese.

"We have risen to...yes?"

"Is this the Hydra meeting?"

"No" This usually happened. 

"This event was listed in the evil events calendar."

"Hydra works with the mayor too, don't they?"

"Yeah." He awkwardly left the room.

"To great heights, with our own growing faction our ability to do science is increasing with our agency, and welfare. We are essential to the criminal underworld, and now that they were forced to see it- and most of them lived, we are appreciated, respected, and feared now more than ever. The generous bonuses for not becoming a SHIELD informant were also nice." Some had become informants anyway. But you had to protect the moles, they were essential for staying out of jail, and continued operations. "With the controversy and near collapse of our former corporate employers we now have more freedom than ever to work how and for whoever we please. With this unprecedented bargaining power we have great plans. But who shall represent us? Our newfound seat at the table is empty. Therefore we shall hold an election-"

"Dr. Abby Normal!"

"Dr. Abby Normal!"

"She's herself!" 

"Where is Dr. Abby Normal?" SHIELD had to be hiding her somewhere. "Does anyone have our space friend's number?"

"He is in prison for crimes."

"No he isn't." 

"Okay, he isn't."

"Of course they'd want her back." Maybe Lester knew where she was.

In New Jersey...



"Lester, you've met me before."

"I have?" Why did they all look the same?

"Are you enjoying the promised land?"

"My new home is lovely." He also had a nanny now, 105 Grove Street was almost too good to be true.  "I had to tell them to stop asking Mai why she's Chinese, but other than that, it's good." She knew where he lived now.

"I made a road."

"You did, good job."

"I will plant flowers around the primordial one's statue! She will be greatly honored! Can I do that?" He was the Gwenopolis city manager. 

"I have two Phds, I have two Phds..."

"That's nice."

"Of course you can do that, you must beautify the city for mother's return."

"I will, may mother bless your day Mr. Verde."

"It's Doctor, I have two PhDs." And still no funding for the big ass pimpin' cathedral for tax purposes. "Someone will need to dump and/or hide some cash eventually." Abby had multiple streams of potential future income, that all wanted to kill her but might need her and this...religious community in the future. What even was this religion?

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now