The Dr. Abby Normal Arbor Day Spectacular, Part 3

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"Mother...hello?" Where was she, she had to approve the Stained Glass windows of her, and not just only her but mostly her, performing miracles. "Have you seen Mother?" The tiny Spider Slayer was sleeping. "Mother-"

"She is on a Holy Pilgrimage."

"To where?"

"No where important." That Gwen was hiding behind a shelf, that was normal. "Good thing I was here to tell you that, gotta go now!"

"What are you holding?"

"Nothing." She was holding several files and schematics. "Oh these, these are for the Gwishops, Gwishops are tasked with knowing all things."

"No one is tasked with knowing all things besides Mother..."

"That's new, I must go pray to have more faith!" She scurried off with the important looking stuff.

"Did mother say that you could have those?"

"There was a bird."

"What kind of bird?"

"A pigeon?" It had been a truly majestic pigeon.

"Mother hates pigeons, one looked at her funny once! Give me those!"

"No, the preciouses are mine!" They fought over the stolen documents.

"What did you do to mother?"

"Nothing!" She grabbed the file from her Gwister.

"Ha, I'm going to....?" Gwens #231-#331? She was in there! "Look, there's me!"

"Congratualtions, I need that back now."

"There's you! What's this blue thing?"

"It's a blueprint."

"It's a giant tube with wires!" There were also numbers.

"This is sacred knowledge."

"That I will share with..."


"No one important."

"Did you ask the Gwishop's permission?" 

"The bird said it was the Gwishop."

"We have talking birds?" Which wasn't that weird comparatively but- punch.

"Forgive me Gwister, I have sinned." Gwen ran off with the cloning vat schematics and file full of sensitive information. "Oh shit, the road!" Where was he?

"Psst, Gwen!"

"You're here." He couldn't get into the Holy Sanctum himself, security would have detected him without special non-Gwen clearance.

"Of course I am Gwendy." Did he really call her that?

"Was this what you were looking for Spiderman?"

"It is, good job," said "Spiderman".

"Are we still dating?"

"That was a long time ago," said "Spiderman".

"You're going to get me out, right?" Gwen hated this stupid cult.

"I sure am, your friendly neighborhood Spiderman doesn't let the people of...people, down, a quip!"

"Are you feeling okay Spiderman?"

"I am feeling fine Gwendy, this is great." He began taking pictures.

"Quick, the security Gwens!"

"I know, I checked their schedule." He still had a few minutes.

"What if they find that other Gwen, what do I do?"

The Adventures of Doctor Abby Normal, The Basement DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now