The Courtship of Abby's Mother, Part 6

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"The Transian Embassy, slash Radio Shack is easy to break into, as long as your bribe the Romanian one next door."

"Is that hard?"

"No child, it really isn't." What was a child doing here?



"Captain America!" It was bored now.

"Can we use the child?"


"Why not?"

"It'll be past his bedtime."

"It wants to be useful."

"I don't want to commit crimes."

"It's not a crime if the government does it."

"Bela, are you feeling okay?"

"I feel fine, I feel great."

"Ve need to disable cameras."

"We don't know how high-tech the security is at the Embassy."

"Bela was able to copy the Key Cards easily," he had put them back into the lost and found.

"Yes, I did that."

"Dad?" Gary Jr. was trying to get his dad's attention. "Dad!"

"We'll be done soon."

"No, dad."

"Daddy's busy." 

"Fine," Gary looked at Bela funny.

"There they are," said the real Bela.

"She can't tell it's not you?"

"She might be hungover."

"This is the best access point," said "Bela".

"Isn't the stock room monitored?"

"It also bugged."

"Who bugs a Radio Shack stock room?"

"You'd be surprise," said Katya.

"It's you'd be surprised."

"I hate your American verbs."

"Isn't Russian harder?"

"It Ukrainian."

"What's the difference?"

"Zere is huge  difference- stop raping me vith hands!"

"I, I'll..." "Bela" shrunk in his seat. 

"Dad, I didn't know-" Gary Sr. covered his son's mouth.

"Zey two countries, not same place!"

"You tell that rapist who's boss!"

"It vas him, he rape me vith-" "Bela" ran away.

"He's on the move," The SHIELD agents began to chase him.

"Wait, Bela come...I mean, don't come back, you go..."

"His name is Steve," said Gary.

"That darn Steve," said Gary's dad Gary.

"Um, Dad?" What was...Steve doing standing outside?

"Is that the van?" Why were they chasing Bela?

"You no zink-"

"I think-"

"You... are no planned to be here."

"I was hungry," said Gary. He aimed his Captain America Action figure at her crotch.

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